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Re: Anniversary!!

Congratulations! Y'all are "good people," and I wish you many, many more. Take care and enjoy each other on this great occasion.


Re: Re: Anniversary!!

Happy anniversary to two of my favorite kinfolk...
I went to that wedding sick as a dog. Comer was supposed to play Sylacauga on Friday but it rained so hard they postponed it till Saturday night.

Who knew that just ten short years later, I'd fall into that trap - er, make the happy matrimonial plunge. If I only knew then what I know now (I'm quoting my wife)...

I don't remember the Harris player, but Wayne Fleming, our Pastor's son, played end for Sylacauga. Good player. Good guy too.
Cubby, you had to be in the eighth or ninth grade then, is that correct?

Re: Re: Re: Anniversary!!

happy anniversary to two of my mostess favoritess
uncles and aunts. always knew there was a reason i
always liked 57 chevys,, this must be it, one of my favorite years. hope uncle ed is feeling better and
you are feeling well also. again happy anniversary
and wish yall many more. clark

Re: Re: Re: Re: Anniversary!!

Wish y'all many, many more anniversaries. Me and Oner will celebrate our 49th the 21st of this month. When I said "I Do", I did, Chipper was born the 22nd of September 1957. Go figger. MVB ES

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Anniversary!!

Thanks all of you. It has been a restful day and we have been well blessed over these past 48 years. We count our blessing and we are looking for more years together to share with all of you. It did rain that Friday night and that is the reason the game was on Saturday night. Ed planned the date so that we could get married, he could see the ballgame and have Thanksgiving at home (He was stationed in California and only had 15 days, then he went back leaving his bride). I was so disappointed when they rescheduled the game for Sat. nite because I wanted to go along with Ed. I'm glad that he made the second half because that was Donald's last ballgame and Ed had not got to see him play all year, also Don's senior year. The next week (our honeymoon) ES & Zona let us borrow their little two room house in Sunnybrook to use as our own. Could not have asked for a better one. My sister Christine (Lathan's mother) would throw rocks on the tin roof every morning and wake us up, like we wanted to be woke up - right. Memories are wonderful.......Thanks again to all of you for the well wishes..........Pat and ED

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Anniversary!!

One broke bed slat $2.00
one broke bed spring $5.00
Defumigating two room house $20.00
Sharing our home with my Bro in law and my little Patricous----- Priceless!!!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Anniversary!!

That's funny...

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Anniversary!!

You want "funny"?

Look in a mirror!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Anniversary!!

Mama told me to never mimic an idiot. So I won't do the things you do...