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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sat eve

Actually, (and this is only my opinion) as great as the acupuncture is - in my eyes - we have bought into the program of Chinese Herbs and it is 'in the combination of both that seems to be helping Kathy most.
Through the help of Chinese Herbs, she has gotten off all of her many medications that were slowly destroying her immune system.
The irony is, her Doctor (Doctor Yin) is a Pulmonary Specialist in Western Medicine who can - and sometimes does - write prescriptions for Western Medicines such as Antibiotics.
She will tell you, however, that most prescribed (Western) medication is like a 'band-aid' and in the long run your body should 'flow' and the things you put in it should be 'organic' and not 'synthetic'...makes sense to me. We just chose not to wait around until the "Two Minute Warning" to try it because we always have the option of going back to Western Medicines.
Trish, you haven't said lately how Dale was doing. When he gets better and can travel I hope he will come down and play on our houseboat and fish with me and Hud.
That invitation goes to anyone who wants to come down here...Neph (like a brother)

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sat eve

Thanks, Dale is doing some better. He still has his arm in a soft cast and can not use his thumb or trigger finger. He has a little use of his middle finger and real good use of his 3rd and pinkie finger. There is a lot of rehab work to do but thank the Lord, Dale is not a quitter. He uses the left hand and is gaining more and more control over it. Dale is a doer, he can not stand to be idle. He can not work but he trades and deals with stuff that he has to make him a little money. His doctor said he should have been on disability long ago when he had his neck surgery. He has went down to SS to see if he can get some help, after all he has worked since he was 18yrs old. Medical help would be a blessing. Dale is the type that if you give him a lemon, he'll make a lemonade. Great son, made out of good stuff...Trish