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Got some rain last night,weather folk said over an inch.Looking outside at it raining right now,sho looks good.Thankful for every drop. Looks as if I won't make the reunion,let my mind slip a little and it cost me.The kids at church asked for a party at our house on the 8th and I said ok we don't have anything going on.Still may drop in for a few if I can.Hey enough here, whats happening at your house?

Re: Rain

Don't know how the date came up on the last post,but o well.

Re: Re: Rain

It's raining real good here in Iron City and we need every drop. When I left the grocery store yesterday it was raining and someone said "You are going to get wet", I told them I didn't mind one little bit because it looked too good to care about getting wet. David, even if you don't stay for all of the reunion, drop by to see Jimmy and his boys. Peggy Cleveland said today she would be there with us and I know ES & Paul will come up. Hoping for a great time........Trish & Ed

Re: Re: Re: Rain

Hey, that ain't nice of y'all to write all this stuff in February of 2000 and just now post it!


Re: Re: Re: Re: Rain

You people must have a date eating worm in your system.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rain

Another good rain this afternoon. We are now wet.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rain

That's one of the things I like about you, Ivy --- that Christian attitude...if it'd been "some people" I know, they would have said:

"Yah-yah-yah-yah-YAH-yah! We got rain and you DIDN'T!"

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rain

Thank you for those kind words. Looking forward to seeing you at the reunion.

Re: Re: Re: Rain

I wonder how it does that on the date. Beats me. Hope everyone is doing great.....Trish

Re: Rain

Yea boy we're getting our share here thunder storms the last three night and they say we'll get them every day this week.

ON Another subject:

It was good to read that story about the Avondale job fair, Jimmy's spelling thing notwithstanding....It was good to see the folks we know or knew involved....Example Jimmy Person's little brother worked for Avondale 40 years then went to work for Floyd and Beasley and now he's tring to hire the Avondale truck drivers because he says "they don't come any better" or something to that effect...Avondalers care about Avondalers...


Re: Re: Rain

Ivy look at your dates and Aunt Trish's it must be catching.

Re: Re: Re: Rain(020400)

I see that DD. Maybe one of our Gurus will notice and let us know if the worm is spreading.

Re: Rain

We have now passed the 10 inch mark of rainfall in the DC area since Saturday and may get another 2-4 inches tonight...but tomorrow the sun will shine once more....


Re: Re: Rain

Hopefully, it'll wash some of the bullsh*t out of Washington, Horace. Doubtful, but possible!

Re: Rain

That my friend will never happen.
