The Sylacauga Connection

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The Sylacauga Connection
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Good Morning!!!!!!!

Looks like I'm first to post so Ed and I just want to wish all of you a very good day today and God's blessing on each one of you and your families. We are staying put as the gas prices seem to be on a steady increase. A new shopping mall has openned just 8 miles down the road so that is as far as we will have to go unless it is to the doctor. I sure feel for these young people who have never had to economize and does not know the first thing about stretching a dollar. Our generation grew up that way so us older senior citizens will just devert back to our old up bringing. We are both doing okay. Ed's Parkinson Disease seems to be stable and he looks real good (to me). Our plans are to be at our 50th class reunion on Sept. lst with all our BBC classmates of 57 & 56. Just can't wait to see all of them. I know we've lost a few to the good Lord but our lost is heaven's gain. They will be missed and remembered by those of us that are there. For all of you that missed Jimmy and his sons at the Mignon Reunion, you really missed a treat. We all want them to come back. I just hate that Jimmy didn't get any cream corn like he wanted but maybe next time. Jimmy your heart maybe in Texas but part of you belong back here in Alabama. ES's great grandson should be here today as he missed his arrival date yesterday. This is Joana's first and she's having it rough so lets all send some prayers her way. We ladies know how she feels - young, scared and hurting. All that will be be over when Braylen makes his appearance. God Bless them. Take care and we'll post again later...Trish and ED

Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!

Hi, Trish! How you, Ed? Keeping cool?

Doing well here!

Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!

Is Ed aware that Jackie Jackson was buried last Thursday at Golden Springs? Ed played football with him at Jax State in the 60's.

Re: Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!

Yes, Ed remembers Jackie well. We lived across from him & wife in the 60's at the Vet apartments. So sorry to hear about Jackie. Ed is doing well, has a great attitude and is on his second batch of homemade almond cookies, he is addicted to them. Take care...Trish & Ed