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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Shoot your Best Shot - I can take it

None of this has anything to do with our freindship for one another. Politics ain't what brung us this far and it ain't likely to separate us.

The above is totally true. I got mine from an email. I didn't read all of it and didn't understand the other part. If you made up all of what you wrote I may have to read it in sections (my mind can't retain but about two sentences at a time). It took me a long time to figure out what party was liberal and what party was conservative and which was 'left' and which was 'right'...Have you heard the Johnny Cash song called THE ONE ON THE LEFT? If not, you gotta get a copy
I see you put Bettye's name at the top. Does she go along with any of this?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Shoot your Best Shot - I can take it

Wow! That says a lot for your own son Coker (does he still live in the south? I'd hate to know that my own Dad called me a Dumbocrat.) Me and Coker may be the only two "real" men in our family who know and understand politics. We had a long talk the other day and he forgives you going 'astray' and becoming a Republican. He said that you thought they gave away free beer for becoming a Republican.

One night I was walking down a dark alley at the end of the alley I saw a "Real BAD" Man coming toward me and I was scared half to death. It took me a minute to realize I was looking in a mirror.

BTW, I'm really three foot and two inches tall and I scare myself so bad sometimes that I have to sleep with a light on

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Shoot your Best Shot - I can take it

Till death do we part....... me and my Bettye agree on everything...... at least that is what she told me to say....... LOL

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Shoot your Best Shot - I can take it

I agree with Bobby, Bettye, Fogey and Ed. As I said at the beginning of the forum. If you can't stand the heat etc. On thing's fer sure, Our silent majority is getting plenty of reading material. Keep the ball rolling, No matter who wins. I just might agree with everybody. Fence stradddler MVB ES

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Shoot your Best Shot - I can take it

Like I said, I can take anything being dished out. I'm just not a glutton for the punishment President Cheney and his little "Heh! Heh!" Texas Woodcutter Buddy Bubba has been dishing out the past six years.

Oh well, I guess with a 36% Approval Rating for this administration, at least we're getting to hear from some of the people who are making up that 36%.
To quote Bob Dylan, "It Ain't Me Babe..."

Hang in there with Dick & Bubba and you may get a free gallon of gas next year. Har! Har!

Be sure to watch out for splinters while you're straddling that fence -

Re: Shoot your Best Shot - I can take it

Just for the record there is only one democrat that I trust and he just got defeated in his bid for re-election to the United States Senate. Lathan mentioned this Honorable man in his original post. I think Joe Liberman is should run for President and not with that wimp from Tennessee. What is it with far as I can see and remember they've only had one man deserving of public office in the last 40 years. His name is Howard Baker.


Re: Re: Shoot your Best Shot - I can take it

Your perception is - in my opion - 100% accurate. Leiberman reminds me some of Senator Everette Dierkson (sp). Now there was a tough old Geezer...

Re: Shoot your Best Shot - I can take it

Right and Howard Baker was his son-in-law.


Re: Re: Shoot your Best Shot - I can take it

SHOOT YOUR BEST SHOT has had 28 posts. I wonder what the record is. I remember one that ES started awhile back that had a bunch more than this one. Just wondering...

Re: Re: Re: Shoot your Best Shot - I can take it

Lathan, your comment about floating logs in Walco Lake went on for several days. Have a good one.