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Kinky Friedman for President!

These are quotes from Kinky Friedman, MY candidate for Governor of Texas. (Actually, I'm hoping he'll just jump right into the race for President IF that slut from Noo Yawk by way of the slums of Arkansas DOES run...God forbid!)

Quotes from Kinky Friedman, Independent candidate for Governor of Texas:

"Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder."

"I admit I was drinking a beer, but did not swallow."

"A man without a woman is like a neck without pain."

"If you elect me the first Jewish Governor,
I will increase the speed limit to 74.95."

"I want to see Texas No. 1 in something besides toll roads, executions, and property taxes."

"I can take criticisms, but please, no more circumcisions."

"In response to autograph seekers, I'll sign anything except bad legislation."

"Yes, I smoke Cuban cigars, but actually I am just burning their fields."

"She would look good with a number of things on her, one of which is me."

"Cats have so much insight they can't stand lawyers."

"God created whiskey to keep the Irish from taking over the world."

"A fool and his money are soon elected."

"Career politicians are keeping the elevator at the penthouse floor and won't let it come down to get the rest of us."

"I'm a Jew. I'll hire good people."

"The only thing current Governor Perry has done is make George W. look smart."

"I'm too young for Medicare and too old for women to care."

"If I'm elected, the first thing I will do is demand a recount."

"In my early years I spent a year in Chicago looking for work. I moved to Texas and haven't worked a day since."

Re: Kinky Friedman for President!

Ain't politics fun? We could use a less serious approach sometimes. If Kinky wins, Charles Barkley will be a shoo-in in Alabama.


Re: Re: Kinky Friedman for President!

Yeah, we all need to be less serious about it. For instance, now I'm really sorry I called that POS from Arkansas a slut --- I COULD have come up with a MUCH better descriptive if I'd taken a little more time.

Trouble is, what we have NOW is scary enough, and thinking about having THAT in office is SCARY!

All I can say is GOD BLESS JOE LIEBERMAN and PLEASE let him be successful. MAYBE, with him in office, we'd not only be better off, but manage to be a bit more respectful to each other. MAYBE!

Re: Re: Kinky Friedman for President!

That MIGHT not be all that wonderful, Purv...see, as funky and funny as he can be, ol' Kinky actually has a brain. Barkley is ALL mouth!

Re: Re: Re: Kinky Friedman for President!

You got that right. A brain makes a big difference.
