The Sylacauga Connection

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The Sylacauga Connection
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This and that

Ivy's foot ball reminds me of the old saying " Pok chop, pok chop, greasy, greasy. We'll beat your team nice and easy. Well, it didn't turn out that way but Mike and Ivy enjoys it anyway. Hadn't heard from Jerry in a while, hope they are o.k. also Jim Brown and wife and Pete.
What made me think of the pok chop saying was Oner whupped up a mess of fried pok chops tonight for supper, along with mashed taters and green snap beans, YUM!! YUM!! She topped it off with garlic cheese biscuits like they have at Red Lobster. I had grease running off my elbows, I know I'm gonna miss the nursing home eating like that. I tried to get a holt of the pinebelt people with no luck, I did send them a hot e-mail. If any of y'all want to send me an e-mail, send it to and I will get it. Ernesto is kicking up close to my Nephew Lathan and Kathy. Looks like it might get close to them, course we done prayed it off any of our friends and enemies, It's gonna make a right turn and not hurt anyone.OBTW, our team (South Choctaw) won 38 to zip over Southern, Our rival Patrician Accademy lost which made the weekend nice. My great grand Brayden has gained 2 pounds and both are doing o.k. Glad Charlie is finally winding up the chemo treatments, they are not the most fun thing to do. The "Hard Stuff" smells and looks like crosote, and doesn't feel much better. Well I've rambled enough, somebody else's turn. MVB ES