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ES email

I read your previous post about contacting pinebelt.
I went in to check your webmail and it looks like the size of the few that you have there should be able to come into outlook without a problem.
Hope it continues to work well for you!

Re: ES email

E.S. I just checked your pinebelt emails and deleted all 24 of them. you should have a clean inbox now. The only email you would be interested in from that last 24 was a 'mail delivery failed' message (2 of them) saying that one of the email addresses you sent the Paul Harvey Prayer to failed.

I won't clear your mail again, but couldn't resist one last try.


Re: Re: ES email

Thanks to both of you for your help. I think it will be alright now. MVB ES

Re: Re: Re: ES email

It sure is nice to know we have some computer helpers on the site....We appreciate you both Bobby & Karen. You amaze me......Trish

Re: Re: Re: ES email

E.S., I got into your email and dumped in about 3,000 fabulous offers misdirected to me from Nigeria, China, Outer Mongolia, Russia and Timbuktu. One of 'em is from your old buddy, Barrister Boogaloo, informing you that he's found ANOTHER fifty-quajillion dollars that belongs to you!

Can I borrow enough to buy me a black Beamer with gold wheels?

Your MVB, Jimmy

Re: Re: Re: Re: ES email

Sure, Nothing is too good for my Handsome Jimmy, and that's exactly what I expect to get from ole Barrister. Don't know why he wanted my phone number, all he had to do was look in the phone book. MVB ES