The Sylacauga Connection

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The Sylacauga Connection
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Too bad BBC won't have Big Shot Sims tonight...

Purv is hollering again. What coach should have done was alternate him and paul and let both share the glory. Don't know what it was back then of having one starter and no backup getting his feet wet. Perv was just as fast, slippery as a mountian brook trout and willing to give up his bod for a few yards. Reason he got beat in marbles was, He wouldn't get down with hard knucks on the ground and make them bleed!! MVB ES
ps If y'all find the film I want a copy. I have several 16mm cans of my boys playing back in the 70s.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Too bad BBC won't have Big Shot Sims tonight...

I don't think any of the high schools were filming in 1955. It was not until Higginbotham came to BBC that we started filming games...and I understand that Dale Layton has a few old 16 mm game films..