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Re: Romney's Vice President

None you have listed for none of them have met my expectations of what a Vice President should be. It would certainly not be like the one we now have.

Re: Romney's Vice President

Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Hey Red Cap overhere, help me get this stuff to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.


Re: Romney's Vice President

I'd go with Newnt..but,think he would upstage Mitt.

Romney would always feel he was VP and Newt was Prez.

Re: Romney's Vice President

Romney is falling into Obama's Trap by agreeing to keep Reverent Wright out of the Television Advertisements in the name of "Morality".

It's the same scenario which kept McCain & Sarah Palin out of the White House. She wanted to go after Obama "Tooth & Nail" but McCain said it wasn't the Christian thing to do. Political Pundits say that was the difference in the election.

Romney didn't seem to exercise any Moral Limits toward any of his opponents when he was running for the GOP Nomination. To me that says "Romney respects Obama more than he did any of his GOP Opponents".
I'm afraid Obama will "Eat Romney's Lunch" if Romney trys to Make Nice with that DISEASE which sits in our White House.

Vice President - I'd pick Ted Nugent

Re: Romney's Vice President

Paul Ryan would be a great asset but he is even better for the house of Reps. He's about the smartest guy there and it would tragic to take away from that...If NoMoBama wins in 2012 Ryan would be my 1st and only choice in 2016 perhaps even if Romney wins and BOMBS.

Re: Romney's Vice President

My political forecast for 2016.

If Romney wins in Nov....there will be 16 Republicans
in 2016 primary and 16 Democrat in the primary. All candidates will be new blood.

All of the older candidates will have let their hair grown out and grown tired,they are in jail,have a divorce or affair scandal attached to their name,or simply to "shop worn" for voters to consider and backers to bet money on.

What do you think?

Re: Romney's Vice President

I done said what I thank! Ryan is only 50 give or take a year 50 give or take a year +4=54 give or take a year

Horace give or take..