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Re: Class of '56

So good to see your name this morning. I think of you so often. I know you stay really busy but just want you to know I care.

Re: Class of '56

Pat, tell Big Ed to hang in there with me. I know it's hard at times, but we know what to do when the going gets rough...

Re: Class of '56

Dr. Nicholas at Kirklin Clinic is his PD doctor. He said Ed had beat the odds and he should be able to live many more years. His cheif concern were
falls and phenomonia (sp). He hasn't even had a cold in years but you can better believe if he gets one, I will be on it in a heart beat. He uses a walker, sometimes he gets stubborn about that but he is doing better. We appreciate your concern and your friendship. God Bless the two of you.......Pat

Re: Class of '56

Pat, sounds as if he's doing very well. I'm so pleased. Give him my regards. Marilyn and I were married 56 years ago today at Mignon Baptist Church in a beautiful wedding with many of our friends around us.
Today I wasn't even able to dress and go to Worship with her. That doesn't make for a very good day. I will do better some how.

Re: Class of '56

Ivy, congratulations are in order for the both of you. Marilyn knows how much you have and will always love her. I didn't know that this was your anniversary, I thought that you all had been talking about class reunion. Anyway we love both of you and hope that you feel better soon.

Re: Class of '56

Congrats. and Happy Anniversary.

Re: Class of '56

Happy Anniversary Ivy and Marilyn.......So proud of all those years that you have shared together. If all goes well, we will celebrate 55 in Nov. this year. It sure makes a difference when you get our age to be able to talk about long time ago and your spouse remembers just like you do. Even with Ed's short term memory problem, we can talk hours about things that happened in school, on the football field and the early lives of our boys. God has blessed you two so much and we wish for continued blessing. Love and Miss you both........Pat