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Have to like this...

"Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what
you do. Attitude determines how well you do it." --Lou Holtz

Re: Have to like this...

I visited a fast food chain a few days ago. Folks that work there had minus zero of the 3 things Lou mentioned.

"I want a hamburger with mustard,onion,pickle and tomato". "DO you want cheese on it?" "No!"
"That's lettuce,tomato and mayo?" "No!"..etc.,etct.etc!!!

BUT,they think minimum wage should be higher. I think minimum wage should match their I.Q. or Ability,or Motivation,or Attitude.

Banned in Boston

A famous man once said, "Be Where You're Supposed To Be..."

I was watching a talk forum the other night and someone (I can't remember who it was) said the minimum wage should be abolished. I agree. It would put a premium on ability in the work force.

On another subject. I was watching THE FIVE on Fox tv. Bob Bectel (sp) is the token Liberal on that show. He was almost bragging how he banded with a bunch of his friends and how he protested the Viet Nam War. That was his right - but he was carrying it a bit too far.

I wrote a 'blog' in a forum on one of the News Services where he (Bob Bectel) was the TOPIC and asked if he was teaching his sons and daughters to spit on deplaning soldiers coming home from Iraq and teaching them to call the soldiers "baby" Killers.

To date I've been banned from two News Service 'blogs'

Re: Banned in Boston

Don I'm with you. I go through the drive thru, I order a hamburger. They say do you want cheese on that? No that would be a cheese burger. I ordered a hamburger!

Re: Banned in Boston

Jimmy, the local Hardee's on 77 no longer sells a basic hamburger! I ordered two small hamburgers last Wed and had to pay for two small cheeseburgers without cheese! They still charged me for cheese, just left it off the burger!

Re: Banned in Boston

They have these mini-burgers at a place we eat called Rubye Tuesdays. They're called "Sliders". May be the best burgers I've ever eaten. They come on a plate of 4. My wife and I order one plate and split them. It's all I can eat but they are delicious. See, I'm talking 'bout food. Must be the Old Age setting in. Don is the cause of it all. We need to start calling Don "Bush" so we can blame everything on him...

Re: Banned in Boston

I've seen your photo. Old Age ain't ah settin''s already out of hand!!

Re: Banned in Boston

Up in Maryland where I lived temporarily for 45 years there is a McDonalds where no-one speaks anything close to English. They have a sign where the drivethrough microphone and speaker are located which says,"if you have a hearing problem which diminishes your ability to understand our employees when they speak to you please drive on around to the window and you will be served there". Honest Injun...of course my hearing disability prevents me from understanding them even when I get around there.

Accountability lives!!

Re: Banned in Boston

We live in a very sad world. Mrs. Dean was my senior home room teacher. She read a passage from one of the people who were against the framers of our constitution. His quote was "Give Me Peace In My Day"...That attitude is prevalent all through the land and that is why we live in a very sad world. A true, true (sad) story

Re: Banned in Boston

Jimmy, I now refuse to "talk to the can" anymore. It's the same at MacDooDoo's, Sonic, and Taco Cabana. MacDooDoo's is the worst, though.

"I want an Angus Burger."

"Do you want the number 1, the number 2, the number 3, or the number 4?"


"Do you want the meal or just the sandwich?"


"Do you want fries with that?"


Lathornius, I have now banned MYSELF from MacDooDoo's....and I reFUSE to talk to the can EVER again!

Re: Banned in Boston

Jimmy, I agree with you. I will not do the drive up window of any kind. Not fast food, banks or men's clothing stores. Never, never never.

Re: Banned in Boston

You're right Mike, but sometimes, out of necessity, you must use the drive-through. Here in Panama City there are several liquor stores with drive throughs. When you are too drunk to get out of your car and walk-in, you just have to use the drive through! I've never done that, but I know some folks that probably would!!! I just use the online delivery service!

Re: Banned in Boston

Congratulations, Lathornius.

Re: Banned in Boston

What Jimmy and Chuck said - me too

Re: Banned in Boston

Speaking of drive-through booze shops, we had a guy drive his pick'emup INTO one a while back. When cops came, he asked for a jug of Jack and some beer nuts.

Re: Banned in Boston

He'd gotten more service asking for some Donuts

Re: Banned in Boston

They don't sell them fakey donuts down here. We knows more 'bout 'natomy.

Re: Banned in Boston

Jimmy, I thought you would catch the comment about the drive up men's clothing store. Guess everybody missed that one or else they just thought "Mike has lost his mind".

Re: Banned in Boston

