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Re: I Miss Church

Amen and Amen. Continue to Preach Brother in Christ.

Re: I Miss Church

Oh Don...thanks for being on the same page as I am.
Love you and what you stand for!!! Wish there were more of the persuasion we have read, studied and claimed what the Bible says to us.

Re: I Miss Church

I sure miss church, too, Don, but once you've been "raised" in a church like Mignon Methodist, by people who treated you as if you were one of their own children, it's a tough row to hoe to find a church "home." I won't go into all the disappointments we've run into over the years, both back home and here in Texas, but I will relate one "true, true story" that sums things up:
Several years ago, realizing that my wife REALLY wanted to attend church but wouldn't go without me, I made her a deal. I said that I would attend the local Baptist church with her, and, provided the preacher did not mention money within the first five minutes, I would KEEP going with her. We went. After exactly twenty-three seconds, the preacher launched into what amounted to a DIATRIBE about how stingy the congregation was and how people needed to "look to your eternal SOULS!" When this started, Winnie turned to me and whispered, "Are you ready to go?"

We haven't been back. Like Emily Dickinson, we now have church at home, "with a bobolink for a chorister," and "God preaches."

Incidentally, that Baptist preacher? He was run out of town a few weeks later for making out with a choir member.

But, like you, I miss church.

Re: I Miss Church

I agree with you guys on almost everything you said. but I can not agree with not going to worship with fellow Christians and the ones who need Christ. Somewhere out there is a group of Christians meeting, praising the Lord, singing worship songs, praying together frequently, sharing close fellowship with each other, sending members out into the "world" to serve others who are in need of the knowledge of Christ and perhaps, food, clothing, homes, etc. Last night at prayer meeting, I felt the presence of the Lord in such a way there was no doubt that 'real prayers' were being lifted up. I pray you will be able to find a church that will reach you in the same way.

Re: I Miss Church

Amen and Amen Shirley.

Gentlemen, it's one named Satan that is keeping you out of church. Please don't let him win.