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Jimmy H.(FL)

In Hollins, Dons' favorite vacation spot, we made a gravy that some called "sawmill gravy" others called it "white horse gravy". Just flour, fluid, bacon dripings that was cooked to a desired thickness and eaten on bread. To make it tomato we just chop up a few or many depending on the cook. At our house, it's many.

When daddy knew we had a long morning ahead us before we would get to lunch, he would say eat a lots boy. It will stick to your ribs. MMC would say, "sticks to my rear.

The Waffle King in Childsburg and a cafe in Sylacauga the place where the bus stop. Can't remember the name. It was owned by Butch Carden and the Lady that later ran the Hollins Cafe was his cook.

They both made very GOOD Tomato Gravy.

Re: For Jimmy Persons

Bobby did have his appendix removed a week before the Sylacauga game. He did play most of the game. Bobby and I both went to the University of Alabama.

Re: For Jimmy Persons

My Uncles said that Football Team may have been the toughest ever to play for Comer High

Re: Is this serious or not???

Charlotte & Jimmy, to follow up on your Hunt's Oyster Bar meal, Jimmy House and I, along with our spouses, did exactly the opposite a couple of years ago! We went to the Shrimp Boat soon after their grand opening and after waiting in line too long, left our places in the queue and went down the street to The Captain's Table. Hunt's is always good and always crowded this time of year. Come back "out of season" and Jummy and I will be glad to join you at Hunt's. We both need very little "arm twisting" for a chance at a good meal out.

Re: Is this serious or not???

I betcha none of those places would even come close to Joe Cook's Fish Market and Cafe on Tarpon Dock "'way back when." We used to head there "at a high rate of speed" on payday at Camp Helen. I'd order three dozen fried oysters, then we'd sit there and wait for the boats to come in and the oysters to be shucked and fried and served. That was EATIN' HEAVEN!

I figure that, among other things, such as fried corn, there WILL be fried oysters in Heaven.....that's why I really AM trying to be a good boy now, during my second childhood. I REALLY don't like ANY of my chow to be "blackened," and I think I know where THAT will be served....and I don't figure there'll be enough Baptists there to air condition the place!

Re: Is this serious or not???


I'm with you, Jimbo. I wouldn't wait two hours for a fried corn dinner and a show featuring Borax Yomomma ridden out of town on a cactus limb while Horrid Reid and Nancy Peelousy sing a duet of "HighWahYun Sunset" followed by their rendition of "Black and White and RED All Over!"

Re: Is this serious or not???

Went by Hunt's yesterday at 3pm, about 30 waiting.

Re: Is this serious or not???

Jimmy we love Pier 77. Ate there twice last week. Always go ther at least twice when we are there. But it is also getting crowded. Thanks for telling us about it.