The Sylacauga Connection

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The Sylacauga Connection
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Thank you Lord!!!

Well, had a fall after tripping on Ivy's cords and the bones are ok but the heart may never be the same. It scared me to death. I am soooo sore this morning but I do not hurt so that is a blessing. One of us have to stay up and about and it looks like it has to be me.

Re: Thank you Lord!!!

Marilyn, I know the feeling. I fell in the parking lot of a service station in Birmingham on the way home from PC. Tore my face up from over the right eye down my nose and busted my mouth, bruised my knees and hurt my feelings. I too am so sore and looked awful. Wouldn't even go to choir practice Wed. night I looked so awful. Oh, I also broke my glasses and had to go, looking like a monster, to get new ones. Just thankfully both of us didn't break anything. Scared Jimmy to death and embrassed me so as there were other people getting gas.
Take care and lets try to stay upright,Ha!

Re: Thank you Lord!!!

Classmate, Marilyn's hurt isn't anything compared to yours. I really thought she had ripped the kitchen off the house. Called out to her and not a sound. Got up to go see and met her crawling to a chair.
I said are you okay? She said I won't know until I can get up and see.
From that point on she did all the talking...

Re: Thank you Lord!!!

Oh my goodness, Marilyn. Praise the Lord that you were not injured worse. I know the feeling about having to stay up and around to care for the man I love. He is so unsteady on his feet these days that every time he gets up, I cringe. But, he thinks he is still in control so I stay quiet. My trips to the rehab are doing wonders for my new metal knee; I even made it to prayer meeting Wednesday (such a blessed time in the Lord) and am planning on church tomorrow hopefully. Much love to both of you.

Re: Thank you Lord!!!

I am beginning to look human again. Ha! Glad neither of us were hurt any worse.

Re: Thank you Lord!!!

Marilyn, happy to hear that you were not seriously injured...Charlotte, sorry to hear of your fall and injury...glad to see you are making progress in your return to normal. I know you and Jimmy have a lot going on around the 4th but it sure would be nice to see you both at the Mignon reunion....Marily and Ivy so sorry that you are not going to make it this year...keep your chins up and your knees bent...praying for you.
