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Re: Whoa Nellie!!

Well, golly gee, Horace --- if you keep spewing that Right Wing "hate," maybe you, too, will have a "lifelong friend" tell YOU he's sorry he ever knew YOU!

With that in mind, I wish to say: If you can back Obummer and The Reverend Wright, then you are somewhat moronic and SADLY mistaken --- but I LOVE you, nevertheless, and I'm SO SAD that you could speak to a fellow MVB that way because of politics.

Okay...finally got THAT off my chest after seething over it for a LONG time --- AND I WON'T TALK ABOUT IT AGAIN --- now one more thing:


Re: Whoa Nellie!!

Jimmy, I don't know who that was directed at - it didn't really make much sense to me - but I have nothing but contempt, scorn and animosity for that DISEASE who keeps his golf clubs in our White House. Same for his Vacation-taking, tax-money spending wife of his.

Even inspired me to write a book titled FORT U.S.A. The Tea Party - which the book is dedicated to, ordered 1000 copies in your neighboring state of Arizona with more orders in mind. I did give them a rate as well as donating part of the proceeds to the 'cause'.

No, No, No!!! This 'Cracker' won't even play 'left' field in a softball game. So, get your britches back on right and keep your guns loaded. Proud to see you still got some "FIRE" in your soul.

Sorry, maybe Horace does but I still don't understand all of your post - but, Hey! I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

BTW, is your son still working for the Border Patrols? I'd join him (them) in a Memphis Minute if I could.

I have a solution - Arizona, Texas, Alabama and any other state which wants should secede from the Union and form their own country.

I think you may have it partly right. I honestly believe GOD is showing those imbeceles (sp) on the far-left that HE is still in control and is giving them enough rope - And you know what that means. Are they going to be surprised come Judgment Day to see how much they may have Peed HIM Off...

Re: Whoa Nellie!!

My knife is less sharper than Lathium..what's it all about?

Re: Whoa Nellie!!


Re: Whoa Nellie!!

I believe that once you get past the 1st paragraph Jimmy was talking about someone else...Don't know who and it makes no difference to me who...I know we are in agreement....I stand by what I said..NoMoBama...


Re: Whoa Nellie!!

Da Boy can be confusing sometimes. Oh, well. He's got a good heart and he did raise a good family. And most of all - He's a BBC Grad. What else is there in life!!!