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Happy Birthday Jimmy

Jimmy, I made a note to remind me of your birthday today..I hope you have a very happy one and many more..
I haven't been checking as often on the forum lately, and you guys have been discussing things that I know nothing about..That is rightly so as this site was established so that you old childhood friends could reminesce and enjoy each other...
That said, I do know something about birthdays as I have enjoyed a few more than most of you
I think of when I was a small kid and could't wait until I was old enough to join the big kids in the baseball and football pickup games..Then when I reached that stage where I would be sixteen and though we had no car, I would be eligible for a driver's license..Then the war came along and I lied about my age to join the draft at seventeen..Then on attaining the ripe old age of twenty one, I could suddenly vote and legally buy a drink..
Then I got married and realized that age had brought me new responsibilities..
On gaining access to my social security and medicare, I just as suddenly realized I had become old..
Now in my upper eighties, most of my friends and classmates are gone..Only a handful of my classmates are sill alive, and I wonder why I'm still around and apparently healthy..
Enjoy your day, and know you have our best wishes...

Re: Happy Birthday Jimmy

Fogey, I enjoyed your post...although you have about 10 years on just about said ia all for just about all of us...we still have a few chicks around but we all need to make the most of everyday. This is a good part of my days...don't write something everyday but I do check it out at least once every day and I get a lift out of it every time I do.


Re: Happy Birthday Jimmy

I love being able to wish friends Happy Birthday on the connection because even though I have a stack of cards, I always forget to get them in the mail. I hate, in a way, that we have gotten away from mailing cards to people....I guess the cost of stamps have caused a lot of this. This is an excuse I understand that people use for not writing thank you notes I do not buy in to that.
Our church is so thoughtful...people will send Ivy cards if he misses more than a couple of Sundays. Gives you the feeling that they care.
Let's just keep on, keeping on, with our getting in contact with folks on the connection.

Re: Happy Birthday Jimmy

Happy birthday to the cantankerson old are still loved even if you have wet draws!!

Re: Happy Birthday Jimmy

Therson, You said it all in a "nutshell". Thanks,always for your insight. I do wish you could share more of your war,post war experiences..I think they would mean much to many of us!

Re: Happy Birthday Jimmy

Theron, I do appreciate your remembering my birthday. This certainly is turning out to be a special one. My baby girl got me some special stuff, one of my sons is within fifty miles or so now, on his way from New Mexico, and the other son will be here next week. Right now, my girls and Neighbor Jo Ann are in the kitchen building a terrific supper of cheese enchiladas, beans and all the good stuff that I especially like. Now if I just had a plateful of fried corn, I'd think I was in Heaven already. Thank you again for your thoughtfulness, and I hope you and I stick around so we can have this same sort of conversation next year and for years afterward. God bless!