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Re: Tiger Trackers

Ivy, I respect you very much - but what you read into my comments is not "hate". It's called "truth" as I perceive it. Also, you can look the "Phil Mickelson" and the Tiger "spitting" things up and you will see that I am only reporting what actually happened.

I don't hate Tiger. I just don't respect him as a person or as an athlete. Correct me if I'm right, but you can look up the Jack Nicklaus', Arnold Palmers' and Gary Players' golfing exploits and I doubt very seriously if any of them ever used profanity in the presence of their golfing audiences which included 6 & 7 year old children as well as young and older women in their audiences.

Tiger has used the "F" Bomb so many times on tv - in the presence of women and children - when he made a bad shot that one probably couldn't count them on their fingers and toes. Am I supposed to give him a "Pass"? I don't know - but, I don't think I will. If that is a "Hate" label then I guess I'm guilty - However, I'm not sure you have the right to make that judgment - possibly only GOD.

If I were to use the word "best" on tour, that word would take in 'audience consideration' & 'peer consideration'... and last but not least, "Class".

Tiger, in my opinion, has never displayed any of the above

Re: Tiger Trackers


I Enjoy your posts -

Re: Tiger Trackers

Pleased to hear. He and Phil will be playing this weekend.


For the umpteenth time I watched the 1965 movie version of THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD with Max Von Sydow playing JESUS. My favorite part is where the Roman Centurion says, "He Truly Was The Son Of GOD". It is so unmistakeably the voice of JOHN WAYNE.

There are many great actors in the cast and that's JOHN WAYNE's only speaking part but he did it in the only 'voice' he owns - the indominatible JOHN WAYNE.

I never miss the movie if I know it's playing