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Naomi Hughes

Just posted on Facebook by her daughter:
"I bid you a loving farewell. Today I made my glorious journey to be with my Father in Heaven. I am at peace and have no pain. God bless you all for being my friends and loved ones. If you can do one thing for me, please hum a verse of "Amazing Grace." It is my favorite, and I assure you He is amazing. Naomi Hughes as translated by my daughter, Beverly. Good-bye"

Re: Naomi Hughes

Thanks Karen D. Wonderful lady and great witness for our Lord.
She and Allen have been in our lives beginning in HS.
Prayers for the family.

Re: Naomi Hughes

Naomi and I grew up on Tuskegee St. Sorry to learn of her death. The tribute by her daughter was beautiful.

Re: Naomi Hughes

Yes, I saw the notice about Naomi in the DH this obit yet..that will probably come later. I too remember those days on Tuskegee St. Her old house is gone and Charlotte's has been replaced with a trailer....The little house daddy and I built in our back yard there for my grandparents is still standing...I made one more trip through there on Sunday and promised myself never to do it again.


Re: Naomi Hughes

Sorry to hear this. I haven't been thru the village in several years. It just breaks my heart to see the condition it is in,

Re: Naomi Hughes

This post is from Charlotte, failed to change addr.
