The Sylacauga Connection

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The Sylacauga Connection
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Memories of youth

On an evening filled with stars,I looked toward the heavens and imagined that someday,in a land far away,in beautiful Milwaukee,I'd have a job in a Grease Gun Factory.

If that didn't work out,I'd like to work in a Toilet Seat Factory,in Flushing, Michigan. As an inspector,I would not have to be on my feet all day..I'd have a sitting job.

Now,the Grease Gun Factory is in Mexico and we get our toliet seats from China. The dream faded.

But, today I saw some good news,Cocoa bean graders are in demand. All it takes is for a person to sit at a table and sniff a few beans. Heck,that should not be a problem. I spent 12 years at school doing that.