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Re: Little known facts and maybe no one care,etc

Who were the other members of the Quartet?

Re: Little known facts and maybe no one care,etc

Raymon Brown,Roland Cherry,Walter Shaw (sometimes Alvin Houston) and me. Edsel Hardy played piano and later Katie McLain took his place. The group was two quartets...FFA and Four Mugs.

Re: Little known facts and maybe no one care,etc

Was there a group called "Three Drips & A Drop"? Seems that Charles Solley and Joe Davis was with that group.

Re: Little known facts and maybe no one cares,etc

Little known facts about Chubby....

I am a somewhat dynamic figure, often seen slipping and sliding on midnight rides in back roads in Talladega and Coosa Counties with L.R. Ross...

I have translated ethnic slurs for Cuban refugees...

I woo females with my sensuous and godlike dancing...

The Laws of Physics do not apply to me...

Ann Hare was my favorite teacher in high school..

I can cook 30 minute brownies in 20 minutes...

I, along with Bobby Dean, were the last individuals to burn the Twin Street Bridge...

I once treaded water for 3 days in a row at Lake Louise

I am an expert in beer-tasting, a veteran in love, and an outlaw in Montgomery, AL

Using only a hoe and a glass of water, I once, single handedly, defended the White Midget from a horde of army ants...

I was scouted in football by Reynolds Business College....

I have been the subject of many documentaries...

On Wednesdays, after school, I would practice crossing the dye ditch on the rope at 59 Virginia Avenue..

Critics world-wide swoon over my collection of corduroy evening wear...

I once successfully negotiated with a group of terrorists who had seized Scrouge Alley...

I participate in full contact origami on Tuesdays...

I can make extraordinary 4 course meals with a toaster oven...

I can hurl golf balls at small moving objects with deadly accuracy...

I have amazed BB Comer fans by striking out with the bases loaded and dropping passes in football games...

Years ago, I discovered the meaning of life, but forgot to write it down...

I have a knockout recipe for mayonnaise sandwiches..

I have had to take a cold shower at Lake Louise after Kayce Cheshire and Pat Ivey showed up in their bathing suits...

I survived Morris Higginbotham's football practices...(also, Coker Barton's)

I survived asst. Coach Parker White's rampages...

Mick Jagger bummed a Marlboro Cigarette off me in San Antonio Texas in 1964...

I have spoken with Elvis since he died, and shook hands with Otis Redding. However, I never managed to successfully get a date with Kayce or Pat....

Re: Little known facts and maybe no one cares,etc

Chubby, I like your Little Known Facts.

Re: Little known facts and maybe no one care,etc

Before your time, the "Four Mugs" was composed of Braxton "Slewfoot" Horton, Jimmy Holmes, Charles Solley, and Joe Davis. Miss Margaret Byrd was our pianist.

Re: Little known facts and maybe no one care,etc

I left out that I was Past President of the Birmingham Densa Club....

Re: Little known facts and maybe no one care,etc

Chubby, you should be ashamed of that language you're using here....Heavens! should go immediately to the nearest House of Spirits and cornFESS! Say three Jack Danielses and four Holy Mackerals and sin no more!


Re: Little known facts and maybe no one care,etc

J.H...let the boy alone..he's on a roll!!

Re: Little known facts and maybe no one care,etc

Thanks, Don. It's a crying shame people have to make something dirty out of stuff I write about.

I remember calling in to WMLS in the 50's when they were advertising Hadacol. L.R. Ross asked me how it had helped me and I explained that before I started taking that Hadacol, I could only hoe a couple of rows in my parents vegtable garden, but since drinking that Hadacol, I had become the best hoer in Sylacauga....

Re: Little known facts and maybe no one care,etc

Chubby,I remember one of your calls to WFEB. We reported on the news that Coosa River Newsprint was testing a new material for ladies dresses made from wood. They were having trouble with knot holes falling out of the dresses that their models wore. You said,"That should be looked into".

Re: Little known facts and maybe no one care,etc

As a matter of fact, I do remember that call....WFEB and WMLS eventually blocked all my calls....never knew why, either....

Re: Little known facts and maybe no one care,etc

I recall another of your songs,somewhat serious. It was about a boy and girl walking from Twin St. down trash pile road. The father didn't trust the young Cubby,his daughter's date. The song: PA WALKED BEHIND US WITH A CARBIDE LIGHT. Remember when you wrote that one from a true life experience?

Re: Little known facts and maybe no one care,etc

Close, but no cigar.

It was Pa walked behind me and Cubby with a Carbine...

Re: Little known facts and maybe no one care,etc

Har! Har! Har! "...looked into..."

I'm stealing that one!

Re: Little known facts and maybe no one care,etc

Jim,that was not a shabby group. Remember them well.

Re: Little known facts and maybe no one care,etc

Thanks, Don. Sorry I wasn't around when you were a "Mug." I probably would have been jealous, though. LOL

One of the guys just before my time was Billy Todd. I did have a chance on occasion to sing with him. Maybe the most fun was singing someplace like the big tiled rooms like the boys' restrooms at Jacksonville or Troy

Re: Little known facts and maybe no one care,etc

One time on a visit to Gadsden on a Chorus trip,Billy Todd went along,after he graduated. He wore his colorful socks,chartruse pants,suspenders and a pin shirt. We also toured the Goodyear Plant. Billy was the most notable of the group. He sorta' looked liked Marcus Dunlap.

Re: Little known facts and maybe no one care,etc

Billy Todd used to come to the Culberson house in the village and sing along with the rinky dink piano we had in the hall. My mother's sisters from Eutaw, AL woud come for a visit and she would get Billy over there to sing with all of them. And on one occasion, he was there and Bobby Mizzell was the piano player!
I didn't have enough sense to appreciate the talent that was in that hallway that day....

Re: Little known facts and maybe no one care,etc

Did any of them swing across the dye ditch?

Re: Little known facts and maybe no one care,etc

Well, we weren't sure about Bobby Mizzell....if there was any swinging going on, he would be my guess.

Oh, wait a minute, you were talking about the rope swing.....gosh, I'm sorry...I thought...

Re: Little known facts and maybe no one care,etc

You ain't right! Were you a member of the "Kiddie Club" at the Ritz Theatre where Bobbbie played piano?

Re: Little known facts and maybe no one care,etc

Don't ask, Don!

Don't tell, Chubby!

Re: Little known facts and maybe no one care,etc

I didn't think so!