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Re: Speaking of Morris Higginbotham(As Chubby was)

The Day girl and Carol Judah and others..majorettes..outstanding in their field...or outstanding anywhere that wanted to stand!!

Averett Motel..just 2 blocks from WIRB Radio and around the corner from where I lived on Howell St.

Re: Speaking of Morris Higginbotham(As Chubby was)

Wow! Small are right. Outstanding, wherever they are standing...

Re: Speaking of Morris Higginbotham(As Chubby was)

WIRB Radio did a remote broadact from Neal Logue Dept. store in Enterprise. They had a swimsuit sale and had the Enterprise Majorettes as models...Day and Judah and others made the job fun!

Re: Speaking of Morris Higginbotham(As Chubby was)

I was at the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame event one year and somehow struck up a conversation with Gaylon McCullogh, from Enterprise, who played center for Bear Bryant when Joe Namath was the quarterback.
Jokingly, I asked him to compare Morris and Bear Bryant. He said, "Football Practices at Alabama were easier than the ones I had under Morris Higginbotham.'
That made me feel better about some of the practices I had under him. I know my basic training was not as tough as some of his and Coker Barton's practices. That made basic a little easier for me as opposed to some of the other recruits...I truly think I am a better man in life because of playing football at BBC. Those guys on that 1955 season team - Ed Cleveland, Ted Price, Bobby Fitzimmons, Coot King - and others, were my idols...

Re: Speaking of Morris Higginbotham(As Chubby was)

Chubby,while in Enterprise,I remember a song that I played on the radio about a space ship landing on the moon..they had women that were 20 feet tall..the guy said,"TAKE ME TO YOUR LADDER,I'LL SEE YOUR LEADER LATER". I am somewhat sure that you wrote that song,right?

Re: Speaking of Morris Higginbotham(As Chubby was)

Why yes, of course.
I took the words and genre from Bill Hayley's "See you later Aligator" - as in, take me to your leader later, and, "I'll take the latter with the ladder"...and "I'll climb the ladder to...uhh, I mean, of success." And who could forget "Up Yours, lady"

I got the idea for the song from the movie 'Revenge of the 50 foot Woman'....

Re: Speaking of Morris Higginbotham(As Chubby was)

Chubby,email me at on Enterprise!