The Sylacauga Connection

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The Sylacauga Connection
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Chubby is now my new hero!!

Cubby and I crossed paths in years gone by...he was clearly the winner in the ultimate conquest and is my hero! Please don't ask why? No answer is forth coming!

Re: Chubby is now my new hero!!

I know what a clean-cut young feller you are, Sir Don, but I THINK you may be on the verge of "nasty" here. Be careful....or you might end up like this:

Re: Chubby is now my new hero!!

Anyone that had Billy Todd sing at his home and swung across the dye ditch on Wednesdays...must have some reedeming qualities.

Re: Chubby is now my new hero!!

I guess that's true --- I only sang at Billy Todd's home a couple of times and I was never fool enough never swung across the dye ditch.