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Fire Destroys Textile Mill

Harriet and Henderson yarn mfg. plant was totaly destroyed last night by fire.
This plant had been closed down several years ago and moved to mexico.
A company had bought the property and was using it as a recycling plant. All types of material was moving through this place.
We live about two miles from the site and we began to see dark clouds of smoke around six oclock last night.
We were called and was told that we may have to be evacuated at any minute and be prepared to go.
About midnight last night we had a call from the emegency managment people telling us that we could stay in our homes, but not to go outside until further notice.
This morning they have told us that they have air monitors set up and everything looks ok at this time.
The Persons are ok and and still holding down the fort.

Re: Fire Destroys Textile Mill

Glad to hear you're safe.

Sure is strange, though, that textile mills that have stood for so MANY years tend to burn down so soon after the owners go broke, isn't it?

Sorta reminds me of the joke about the two Jewish gentlemen talking. One said that his business burned, and the other said his had been destroyed by a flood. The first man asked "How do you start a flood?"

Re: Fire Destroys Textile Mill

I have given up on worrying about it. We have a bunch around us here in SC expect to hear the sirens any day now. These are Springs mills. There is AVondale plant up in Burnsville, NC not far from Ashville. It is a newer all steel bldg so might be a little tougher...probably has a concrete floor.


Re: Fire Destroys Textile Mill

Jimmy P. just kick back and watch the RBC Leaderboard.Good one going.

Chuck J. surely glad you know what a Motherboard is.

Re: Fire Destroys Textile Mill

The mill is still smoldering. They hope to get it completely out today. We had a pretty strong storm this morning with heavy rain, hopefully this helped the firfighters out. They have done a womderful job. No houses were destroyed and they were just across the street from the mill. There has been firefighters from three states here fighting the blaze. We are still being advised to stay inside as much as possible, but the air quality is stable. We are so thankful for the job the firefighters have done here.

Re: Fire Destroys Textile Mill

Great news Charlotte...after listnening to Obama I didn't think George Bush left us any firefighters. How about the schools in your you have enough teachers to bother opening the doors this year? I can't possibly imagine a teacher having to handle 30 kids all by herself/himself/itsself.


Re: Fire Destroys Textile Mill

Horace the school system in Trion is good. We have plent of teachers there and in Summerville. AS I wrote in an earlier post our church feed the teachers from the Trion system lunch on Wed. of work week. We had over 100 teachers today. Lots of them didn't come for one reason or the other. We have pretty good School systems here. Trion is city, then we have Chattooga County system. None of our children attended school here. They all graduated from Sylacauga High.

Re: Fire Destroys Textile Mill

Horace, concerning the firefighters, we had over 50 units here from Ga. Tenn and Ala. fighting the fire. Hopefully it is out. Haven't heard anything about it today.