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Re: Just help me pray that he's safe....

Jimmy H.(TX),those two ladies are real Prayer Warriors. I'm sure you, as so many others, know of their Prayer life. We miss them so much.

Surely glad you didn't loan Layno your shirt. HAR! HAR! HAR!

Re: Just help me pray that he's safe....

I know all about those two ladies, and the thing I love most about them is that neither has ever deemed it her duty to point out my faults or preach to me or tell me what I can or can't do here or anywhere else.

As to Layno, he has some shirts that the very sight of would knot up the BVDs you're wearing AND all the ones in your underwear drawer AND give you a BAD case of the Everlasting Lower Slobbovian Apoplexy.


(Wanna picture of that? LOL LOL LOL, etc.)

By the way, all...Layno didn't make it this time, he says, and is on his way back home to New Mexico...but he's already planning to give it another try next year. I figure anybody who has the guts to stand in a line for six hours to sing one verse of "The Lord's Prayer" deserves LOTS of encouragement.

Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes and encouragement.

(Sorry about the semi-pathetic sidebars.)

Re: Just help me pray that he's safe....

Sounds as if the ladies may have given up on you. Not me. I still feel that you could be a very good witness for what is right!

Re: Just help me pray that he's safe....

Ivy, I will guarantee you that NOTHING you might say or do would cause me to change my evil ways to become just like you.

Now I will consider any more discussion of this as harassment.

Thank you for minding your own business.

Re: Just help me pray that he's safe....

Jimmy, I will be praying for the safety of your son.
"God Bless" Paul

Re: Just help me pray that he's safe....

Thank you, Paul.

Re: Just help me pray that he's safe....

Thank you for allowing me to try...

Re: Just help me pray that he's safe....

Jimmy I am confused about what The Voice is. I would guess it a talent contest, but we don't know about this here in Ga. Could you explain?

Re: Just help me pray that he's safe....

You got it, Jim. I never heard of it either, before Layno entered. He didn't make the cut this year, but he's back home in New Mexico now, making plans for another try next year. I wouldn't stand out in 100+ heat for five hours for ANYthing.