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Growing up in Sylacauga

Growing up in Sylacauga

I was born to proud parents in Alabama on a windy March day
A family of four sisters and a brother that was ready to play
Being pampered, loved, and taken home
By a loving young mother who rocked me and never left me alone.

I grew and grew until I was kindergarten age
Drawing, coloring, and stretching my imagination page by page
Making new friends and trying new things
I felt like a baby bird trying its new wings.

As I grew, close friends were made and lazy days spent
Daydreaming of being important and big events
Days of romping and playing in clover
Became few and far between as more important things took over.

In the fall of the year at the early age of six
I was ushered out the door to my first educational fix.
Mrs. Richardson my first- grade teacher met me at the door
Hugged my neck and said”Welcome and fear no more.”

I found the first grade to be a challenging task
I was full of questions that I just had to ask.
Answers were coming at a very rapid pace
Life was such fun without a moment to waste.

Finally first grade was over and school let out
A joyous event that caused everyone to shout.
We raced our way to those summer days
To enjoy fishing, playing ball, and being lazy in the bright sun rays.

We romped with puppies all over the neighborhood
Trying hard to have a ball but remembering to be good.
We would play all day up until dark
Until we heard our mothers’ voices calling us from the park.

Time was flying and the sixth grade was approaching fast.
I remember at one point just hoping I would have the grades to pass.
Mrs. White was quite a teacher and a good job she did do
Teaching us all enough to get us through.

New relationships were forming as girls caught our eyes
Old relationships dissolving as old friends moved away and said their good- byes.
Life now was in the fast lane moving at a rapid pace
Chores, studies, hobbies, sports, and jobs we now must face.

My first job was an early- morning paper route
I could throw a rolled paper thirty yards or about.
Our office manager was a friend of mine named Dewey Reams
We usually carried our routes alone, but sometimes we did it as teams.

My paper route was an education of its own
So very early in the morning it was time spent alone.
Pedaling your bike in the early- morning dawn was an excellent time to think
You could solve the majority of the world’s grand issues in just about a wink

My paper route also taught me th

e value of friends
Many a morning I carried my route with the help of Ken
Close friends we became and a friend I remain
Here is hoping that he feels the same.

School is now more challenging with the ninth grade being a bear
Especially with my homeroom teacher being the lovely Mrs Hare
She had taught my brother Jerry of whom she praised
Her lofty expectations of my abilities left me completely amazed .

Mrs. Hare worked hard and did not play
She got in my face many times to make sure that I heard what she had to say
In the ring of life she and I had our bouts
I salute and praise her as a lady of character of which I can vouch.

As we are told all things come to pass
This being the case I finally left Mrs. Hare’s class
Time was fleeting and summer was approaching
It was time for spring football, baseball, swimming, and listening to our coaches.

Hoorah! Hoorah! School’s out and summer has started
It’s time to relax with old friends and party!
Party on the Coosa, party on the Florida beaches
With pretty young ladies as beautiful and delicate as Georgia peaches.

As summer drags on, we get lazy, and the days get hot
We find we’re spending more time at Wind Creek than not
Skiing, chasing girls, lying in the sun, dancing to “Louie Louie” and “Hang on Sloopie ” was a lot of fun
Until the ranger arrives and says it’s time for you to move on, son.

We grab our stuff and into the car we pack
We race the engine, squeal the tires, and yell next year we will be back
We exit the park with all of our redneck dignity intact
I’ m sure the ranger is looking forward to next year and welcoming us back

Summer is over, and our senior year is here
A very special time but also a time of fear
This is what we have worked for, and now we are the top of the heap
Why is it that I’m a little afraid and sometimes can’t sleep?

Could it be that I am going to miss the teachers and the coach of all coaches--Coach Hayes
Am I really thinking I am going to miss B.B. Comer and those good old school days?
Miss my classmates Martha, Betty, Sharon, Gloria, Sherrie, Linda, Barbara, Diane, Babs, Janice, and Sue?
Certainly not my old pals Butch, Ken, Michael, David, Ronald, Jimmy, Jay, Mike, James, and Junior, too?

Graduation day has arrived of which I am proud
It is so very nice to see proud parent’s faces in the crowd
The day has arrived and our accomplishments achieved
Everyone in the crowd looks so very pleased.

I look into the gathering and my Mother’s face I did not see
My Heavenly Father had decided to take her from me
I thought of all days, on this day, I would be delighted
I would have my future goals clearly sighted.

As my name was called and I walked across the stage
I knew my life was changing as if the turning of a page
On the stage I received my diploma and shook my Uncle Jewel Lackey’s hand
My school days were flashing before me, and I wished I had better planned

Graduation is over as classmates embraced and shook hands
As we all departed with so many different plans
Now that it’s over what are we to do?
Let’s take off these robes, greet the world, and get on with being just you.

I look back through the years to that wonderful graduation night of 1965
I think what a blessing that so many of us are still alive
Life has tested us in oh so many ways
Let’s plan to get together soon and enjoy our remaining days!

May God bless you all.......................................Class of 1965!!!!!!!

Mickey Lawler

Re: Growing up in Sylacauga

Good post Mickey. Brought back lots of memories. Good to see you on here and stick around to read and post more.

Re: Growing up in Sylacauga

Thanks for that Mickey. Sorta' puts things in perspective. Sometimes it's difficult to maintain those thoughts and attitudes of days long gone, but reminders like yours are most welcome. Thanks again.

Take care,
Chuck Jones

Re: Growing up in Sylacauga

I so enjoyed this post. Our memories follow many different lanes and I so enjoy reading others when it is about places, people and things that were important to me.

Re: Growing up in Sylacauga

To those who were not able to go to Mignon Reunion - We had great fun. I have a few pictures. Hope to see more there next year!