The Sylacauga Connection

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The Sylacauga Connection
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Where have all the flowers gone?

This is such a lonely place. Don's playing hookey, Sue poped in for a cup of coffee, Jimmy's taking care of his cactus grove, S & I are passing notes in class...Ted dropped a tidbit on us, albeit a welcome one...a few notes about America's wannbe pass time spelled PGA..Marilyn's out looking for a mater samige, Lathan is on hiatus, Chuck is busy looking for more Dumb Blonde Jokes, Jack and everybody else seem to have gone underground and here I sit all broken hearted....and you know the rest of it...


Re: Where have all the flowers gone?

It is lonely for the shut-ins, in Maryville also.

Re: Where have all the flowers gone?

Blonde girls have picked them every one
When will they ever learn?

Re: Where have all the flowers gone?

... and where have all those blonde girls gone?
They've taken husbands every one
When will they ever learn?


Re: Where have all the flowers gone?

Hang on Horace....I'm sending TP!