The Sylacauga Connection

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Re: What we have been doing

Jimmy, we'll be over for supper, starting 'bout mid-November!

Since you've fully retired, the fact that you can work full time and still get all that canning done.


Re: What we have been doing

Hey Cuz we really need to do some planning about that Corinth trip. The lady that I was hoping could give us some guidance..Virginia Jones passed away a week or so ago...she was married to the late Gene Jones who was a son of Uncle Arthur who was a brother to our grandfathers....The young lady who died from Polio..I have suddenly forgotten her name..was it Ruth?...She was a sister to Gene. Gene and Virgian have a daughter Patricia who still lives at the old home place where our grandfathers grew up. Uncle Arthur lived across the road and Uncle Calvin lived down the road a little piece. It would be a great trip. I've got a couple of medical things going on during the next coulple of months. Late fall or early spring would be good. I want to do it before I wish I HAD. Hope those relationship things didn't confuse you too much. I really need to get back into my geneology especially on the Jones side.


Re: What we have been doing

Check your email.

Re: What we have been doing

Either my mom did'nt know or couldn't remember where her parents were burried. After mom had passed away it took 2 phone calls and a trip through Alex City while on our way to somewhere else. Found their graves. No marker on his grave but one on my grandmothers. After the tears stopped we set out to clean it up. It was covered in mold and mildew and could hardly be read. We had some cokes in the car and my wife's hair brush. Did a pretty good job of cleaning. Went to a grocery store and returned with a couple of jugs of bleach to finish the job. Not only did we find the graves but also the correct spelling of my grandmothers maiden name. Mom always said Lightsey. Correct was Litsey.

Re: What we have been doing

On one of my trips I made to my Mississippi home, I took pictures of all the family plots I could find. The pictures turned out real good; I could read all the info for grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles and cousins. I hope my children will appreciate their ancestry.

Re: What we have been doing

Big House, I hope you got a big house --- you gonna need help eating all that corn!