The Sylacauga Connection

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The Sylacauga Connection
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Growing up it was considered Labor Day to govern the white accessories final day of the season until Easter of the next spring.
Does anyone go by that anymore?
A friend from KY said they could not wear white shoes until Derby weekend...ever heard of that?
I imagine all of us wear whatever the heck we want to, whenever we want to. After all, who are we trying to impress this day and time?

Re: Remember?

Does anybody remember when we dressed respectfully when attending funerals. I am horrified to go to a funeral and see women with mid thigh skirts and legs that should be fully concealed, tatoos, unbelievalbe cleaveges and flipflops with daisy between the toes. Oh and loads of purple hair. The men by the way are no better...dungarees, Harley Tee shirts and a pack of cigaretts in the shirt pocket.


Re: Remember?

Horace, I am so glad to hear that you are appaled at some of the attires. I sometimes feel as though I am a loner. I am over critical of the way young girls dress now and I guess it is because I tried so hard to see that my girls had appropriate clothes for whatever the occasion.

Re: Remember?

Several years ago a pastor friend of mine was moving to a new church in Florida. Someone said to him that some women go to church scantily clad in Florida.

He asked the pastor what he would do if a woman dressed in shorts and a halter top, with a little dog on a leash came into his church service in Florida.
The pastor said he would tell her they don't allow dogs in the service.

Re: Remember?

As they say in France....Touche! Even Soooo
