The Sylacauga Connection

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Apalachicola, Florida

We're moving to Apalachicola, Florida Wednesday, September 5th. Will at least be closer to Sylacauga by 350 miles from where we are now. Our email will stay the same.

Come visit us and we'll put you on the floor in a sleeping bag. We will be living in a Tree House (seriously).

Plenty of Giant Oysters to eat and much fishing to do. Some golf will be included.

Tiger Woods is welcome to play in our foursome - he would probably come in third or fourth in our games...

A true, true story.

Blessings to all MVBs and MVB Wannabees...

Re: Apalachicola, Florida

Great place to move Lathan. Hope y'all are happy there.

Re: Apalachicola, Florida

I thought that you all were anticipating moving closer back this way. I do hope that you all will be happy and I know that you will.


Re: Apalachicola, Florida

Welcome to the Panhandle.

Re: Apalachicola, Florida

I am shopping for a couple sleeping bags TOMORROW!!

Re: Apalachicola, Florida

#11 do they have wild minnows and wild honey bees there in that part of FL? Maybe Jimmy H. would run my bait stand.(Thinking out loud)

Re: Apalachicola, Florida

Don't know if the Minnows and Honey Bees are WILD or NOT. I can't catch them to find out...However, I do think the Minnows and the Honey Bees may be Wild - On Saturday Night they sure do make a lot of noise.

I did go fishing in a Fresh Water Lake near Apalachicola the last time I was there. Caught an 8 Pound Blue Gill Bream. I was fishing with a 2 Pound Cricket...

Don - We have two Double Sleeping Bags - You may need to bring extra Pillows...

Re: Apalachicola, Florida

FACT: The record bluegill was caught 1950 in Alabama's Ketona Lake...4 lbs. 12 ozs. 15" long.
Now would be frying size.
Where is Ketona Lake?

Re: Apalachicola, Florida

Keytona Lakes is in B'ham. One of my Corinth, Mississipi relatives T.S. Hudson caught the fish. I've heard the story of the fish years ago and never met him but think he is a cousin because my relatives on my Dad's side come from Corinth. A true, true story - I think...

Re: Apalachicola, Florida

Well, I just knew that we were about to start "big fishing tales" from among the group, but it fizzled. Have fishermen quit telling tales or have tale tellers quit fishing?

Got a good one? Tell it right here.

Re: Apalachicola, Florida

I was taught at an early age on how to fish without a pole or any bait.
I have kept this quiet for years, but here goes.
We would go to lake Martin and rent a boat with no motor just padles and a bed sheet with a long gain pole about 10 ft. long.Pops would padle out from the bank and would tell me to hold up the sheet and he would begin to hit the water with a whipping action and the fish would begin to jump into the boat and hit the sheet and fall in the boat. We would have a mess of crappie in about an hour. Happy Fishing

Re: Apalachicola, Florida

Was that Sheet a "Hula Popper" a "Sputterbug" a "Brokeback Minnow" or a
"Purple Plastic Worm Bed Sheet"?

Re: Apalachicola, Florida

While lifting my cooler to my trunk a big boot came down on it. Before I could speak a voice said, "let's take a look in side." Just my pet rainbows, Sir. Well, I see 14 and the limit is 7. Didn't catch them. They are my pets as I told you. Pets, are they? I bring them down here once a week and let them swim for a while in the river, then I whistle and they jump back in and I take them home.
Will test you on this one so pour them back in the river. Now whistle. At what? Your pet fish. What fish I don't see any fish.

Heard this one in SS Class.