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My Season

Just a few more hours and "my time of year" will kick-off. Really looking forward to it too. Lot's of goodbyes and sadness this past year, so "Are You Ready For Some Football?" can't come too soon for me.

The B.B. Comer Tigers will look to put an end to an 11- game-losing streak to Childersburg tonight at Legion Stadium at 7 p.m.

Wish I could be there. Are you gonna' make it Mike? Say hello for me if you do. I WILL see at least one BBC game this year if at all possible.

Where's that Comer Mom? How's the team's outlook this season? Let's have some inside perspective.

WAR D*A*M*N Eagle and good luck Tide!

Re: My Season

It starts tonight with South Carolina vs Vanderbilt.

Re: My Season

Yes Chuck, I will be there if the weather holds off. However, looks like lots of rain heading our way. I will tell the gang you said hello.

Re: My Season

Hey Jimmy any bets on which quarter we'll see Stevie throw his visor?

Re: My Season

Check for your High School Football Scores late
Friday Night or Saturday morning. I will be
posting them.

WDE and GO Tigers

Re: My Season

Thank you sir. Your expertise is much appreciated.

This year I'll strive to talk football only in sports related threads. I know some of our members don't appreciate stumbling across my "fan posts" in threads that have nothing to do with the game. I DO understand their disapproval, and I'll try hard!

Re: My Season


Sorry, I don't have your email address. Take a look at this.

Kiehl Frazier


Re: My Season

Thanks Chuck, Good write up, can't wait to
see him play.

War Eagle!!