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Muscadine Marmalade

I plan to pick some Fry muscadines at the farm tomorrow,if the weather is cool enough.
We will freeze them and when we get back fron the Oregon Coast on Sept. 15,Rita will make Muscadine Maramalade,it is outstanding.

Today we are making curried chicken soup with noodles,she is making peanut butter-orange marmalade bars.

I have been practising talking to a chair ever since I saw Clint Eastwood at the NRC. It "MADE MY DAY"!!

Re: Muscadine Marmalade

My only question about Eastwood is "What was he drinking"? Frankly, as a Republican I was embarrassed by it. Hope that is all we can disagree on.


Re: Muscadine Marmalade

There were certainly parts of Clint's speech I could have done without.

I give him credit for being perhaps the most REAL person of any Celebrities
appearing at a National Political Convention. Talking to a chair,in my view,was far better than a lot of the speakers at the NRC that stared blankley at a teleprompter and talked to the "wall".

Clint could have used some scripting and might have done a better job.
However,like the old man that hit his mule in the head with a stick before starting to plow..asked why he did that,replied,"I have to get his attention before he'll listen to anything I say".

Just maybe,Eastwood,hit us in the head and then we listened to Rubio and Romney...or maybe I just like Eastwood.

Re: Muscadine Marmalade

MMC is placing those ribs on the table right now. Surely wish I had some of that Marmalade to spread on the bread.
Stay hungry my friend.

BTW: The time on this post is Alabama time.