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PLEASE check your local groceries --- especially Walmart --- for remaining stocks of BAMA APPLE BUTTER. A couple of years ago, I begged around the internet and located 17 jars of it for my poor, addicted spouse. Now we're getting low again, and I find online that the Walmart in Sylacauga and the one in Talladega may still have some. If so, and if you're willing to go to all the trouble of buying it for me and shipping it to me, I will be TREMENDOUSLY grateful. Fact is, I'll even PAY for the goods and the shipping. How can you beat a deal like that, huh? LOL

Seriously, I'd like to lay hands on a hundred jars of the stuff. I had a guy I never even heard of before email me today begging for ONE jar to share with his daughter who's coming home for her 23rd birthday and has ALWAYS talked about how wonderful it was "back in the old days" when he'd make biscuits and Wright's Peppered Bacon and have Bama Apple Butter. Made me cry, so I'm sending the guy one of the half-dozen jars we have stashed.

If you can help, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Thankee, and God Bless!


Thanks, anyway.

Re: NoMoBamaAppleButter

Bad apple crop?

Re: NoMoBamaAppleButter

I tried here, but none available within 50 miles of PC. Just didn't reply with that "No Info". Sorry, I'll keep looking.

Take care,

Re: NoMoBamaAppleButter

Only a suggestion. Buy you a box of the new crop of apples and let MMC send you her recipe for Crock Pot Apple Butter.
We did that last fall and enjoyed it very much...

Re: NoMoBamaAppleButter

I appreciate the trying and the suggestions. Problem here is with wife can't do much of that anymore and I never have and never wanted to, either. We've decided to try everything available at our local grocery and Walmart and the Sun Harvest store. We've already tried and ruled out Musselmann's and that from Cracker Barrel. If nothing else, I'm going to buy one of almost everything they have on Amazon....if I can afford it. LOL

But, thanks to all who either tried or thought about it.

Re: NoMoBamaAppleButter

Marilyn would you send me that crockpot applebutter recipe, please?


Re: NoMoBamaAppleButter

A couple of thihgs I have thought of one being that we go every year to Elijay Ga. which is Apple country. They have some of the best Apple Butter we have tasted. You can google Merciers Apple Orchard and find all of their products. This is a great place to shop for fried pies, jams. jelies, cider, you name it they have and will ship to you.
Charlotte has a recipe for Apple Butter I will pass along.
Crockpot Apple Butter
5 qts. finely chopped apples of choice
4 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. ground cloves
4 cups sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
Fill a 5 quart crockpot heaping full with apples. Drizzle remaining ingredients over apples. Cover-lid may not close all the way at first. Began cooking on high for 1 hour, then lower heat to low and cook all day or night, until thick and dark stirring occasionally. Place in jars and seal or you may put in freezer containers. May use equal amounts of Splenda instead of the sugar. Can cool on high for 4-6 hrs, but best if cooked longer.

Re: NoMoBamaAppleButter

Horace, that is the recipe I use...same as Charlotte's.
Try to copy and past if not...let me know and I will type it out for you.
Hot bisquits and apple butter can't be beat.

Re: NoMoBamaAppleButter

Thakyee mam both of you.


Re: NoMoBamaAppleButter

Let me know if you all make any and how you like it. I also make pear butter by the same recipe. In fact I made a batch of each two weeks ago.