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Re: Reunion (P.C. & Sylacauga)

Cubby, if I'm still reasonably alive in May of next year, I'll do my best to be at The Hangout Reunion. Reckon you can find me some ol' gal who ever even HEARD of "The Dirty Bop"? Shoot, "back then," when it came to "DAINSIN'," I was Elvis before ELVIS was Elvis!

Re: Reunion (P.C. & Sylacauga)

Why heck yeah! You would be a star since you worked up the road at Camp Helen....Uh, by the way, I out B'd BB Before BB King was BB....knowwhatahmean

I'll introduce you around if you can make it...and if we wind up in Bay County Jail we will have a lawyer to bail us out (Cracker Waldrop)....

Re: Reunion (P.C. & Sylacauga)

Yep, I think I know what you mean. Did you ever buy Carling Black out the back door at Little Birmingham from the cook when you were fifteen? LOL

Re: Reunion (P.C. & Sylacauga)

The Sea Horse Store

Panama City Postcards

Re: Reunion (P.C. & Sylacauga)

Good stuff, Chuck...thanks. Is there any evidence now that Joe Cook's Fish Market on Tarpon Dock ever even existed? I used to get there as SOON as possible after payday at Camp Helen to order my three dozen fried oysters. Ooooooooh, those were good --- especially after sitting there in the restaurant waiting for and then watching the boats come in, then watching the guys in the fish market shuck the oysters, then drooling all over the table at the delicious odors. Oh, Lord, I did love Joe Cook's!

Re: Reunion (P.C. & Sylacauga)

Lathan Hudson #11
This is probably for Chuck and/or Jimmy House...Jean Mizzell Walker has been in touch with me via email and wants to know if there will be another P.C./Sylacauga Reunion in Panama City?

Lathan and all, Jimmy House and I are All In! How's Saturday 29th Sep? Let me know here how many can make it and we'll start setting things up on our end. Hard to be more specific without more firm numbers but suggestions are welcome. I've not checked on Camp Helen yet, but will if there's enough interest. If not there are other options, roadside parks, maybe a pavilion at Tyndall or other campgrounds or just a get together meal somewhere. We have some options according to tastes. Need feedback folks for this to work!

Not gonna' be 0-3 going into JH Ted! At least that's something!

WAR D-A-M-N Eagle

Re: Reunion (P.C. & Sylacauga)

Chuck - Count us in... Need more details as soon as you get them

Re: Reunion (P.C. & Sylacauga)

Consider y'all counted. Let's see, now that everyone that's interested has contacted me, that totals six... if all three of us bring our wives!

Seriously, there's not enough interest being shown to justify much organizing.

Jimmy and I are ready for a get-together, meal, chin-wag at the drop of a hat. I'll talk with him tonight and maybe we can scare up one or two others around here for a PC/Sylacauga day on the 29th at one of the local establishments. Seafood? Steak? or? Just let me know your pleasure and we'll accomodate.