The Sylacauga Connection

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The Sylacauga Connection
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Artists in Apalachicola, Florida

My wife and I were watching a group of painters (artists) who were stationed all over our new adopted town of Apalachicola, Florida - they were doing a Painters' Work Shop.
We were talking with one of the artists and I told him I had a friend who was a Famous Artist and his name was Perry Austin.

The guy looked kind of funny and said, "Perry's about a half-mile away under the bridge giving tips to several of the artists (who were spread all over town)."

My wife and I went to where Perry was and talked with him for about a half-hour. He said he had been here all week doing a Work Shop with the artists.

Small World (but I wouldn't want to paint it)

Re: Artists in Apalachicola, Florida

There is another Sylacauga artist in Foley, Al.
His painting are all water coler, take a look at his work. Hard to believe it is water coler. He is one of 3 Hartsfield boys from SHS, Skip, Chris and Paul.

Re: Artists in Apalachicola, Florida

I love Chris Hartsfield's work. I have a print of his "Yonder's Blossom" and I love it. One of my daughter's got it from a show he was a part of in Dallas.

Re: Artists in Apalachicola, Florida

I think Perry Austin graduated in 1960 and lived in Walco. His dad was an executive at Avondale if I remember right. Perry is as unpretentious today as he was when we were going to school. Good guy

Re: Artists in Apalachicola, Florida

Same old - Same old...

Re: Artists in Apalachicola, Florida

I know - I know...

Re: Artists in Apalachicola, Florida

You're right - You're right

Re: Artists in Apalachicola, Florida

So sad - So sad

Re: Artists in Apalachicola, Florida

Lathan, didn't know you had moved.......please give us a call and let us know your new number.......would love to keep in touch with you....Love you. Ed is still about the same.....he doesn't travel well so we are usually right here........Tell Katy hello for us.

Re: Artists in Apalachicola, Florida

Always good to see the name Cleveland on the connection. Hang in there Pal.
I note that our friend Horn is whipping BR in shape. I had a feeling he would.

Re: Artists in Apalachicola, Florida

Ivy...Don't be sad. It's still a big world out there and someday, who knows- you may be happy again...#11?

Re: Artists in Apalachicola, Florida

A few more BBC victories will do the job.

Re: Artists in Apalachicola, Florida

peewee-like aunt trish-glad you and kathy moved close to us rednecks up here.
next time i go to the redneck riviera i will give you a yell.appalachee is about
an hour from p.c. isn't your cell number still the same?

Re: Artists in Apalachicola, Florida

Tip Top (Clark)...Call me anytime @321 759 6365. We went to see Little Paul and Janice a few weeks ago. You can email me at the above address. Take Care...