The Sylacauga Connection

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Sooooo good!

Home from eating grilled catfish, slaw and turnip greens. Doesn't get any better than that.

Re: Sooooo good!

10:31AM - Late breakfast... Early lunch?

Back on 12 Apr '12, I posted:

...if you in fact "will miss "The Sylacauga Connection", it will be your choice. The Sylacauga Connection will remain intact for a few more years with very few changes. As long as I am physically and financially able, it will be right here.

Nothing in that message has changed.

Hope everyone enjoys your upcoming weekend. I will be busy, but enjoying.


Re: Sooooo good!

Early lunch on Fridays

Re: Sooooo good!

Didn't intend to confuse. Most of this applies to the "Where Are You" thread. Just trying to reassure the few, that this "Connection" isn't for MY pleasure, but instead OUR pleasure. Won't attempt to please 'em all, all the time!

Never too early for catfish, Marilyn. Nor too late, now that I think about it!

Re: Sooooo good!

True --- never too early --- but "grilled catfish"? That should be against the law!

Let it be known that "fried" and "catfish" make up the compound word, "friedcatfish."

Your English lesson for the day...don't bother to thank me.

Re: Sooooo good!

yeabbutt, mine won't let me fry it. I sort of do it on the sly...on the grill but on a piece of aluminum foil with butter and olive I can do...still passable.


Re: Sooooo good!


IF you could CLOSELY compare the fats and other "baddies" involved in either frying PROPERLY with canola oil OR grilling with butter and olive oil, there would be VERY little difference.

I'm not scientifical enough to be able to do that, but I AM rich enough to bet TWO AMERICAN DOLLARS I'm right.

The biggest problem some folks have with frying catfish is coating them HEAVILY with stuff like an egg batter. I don't do that. I simply roll my catfish strips in Self-Rising Yellow Corn Meal, then get the canoloa oil up to almost exactly 325°F, drop the well-thawed or fresh strips in, wait for the oil to come back up to 275°F, and take the fish out. NO HEAVY GREASY FISH!

Let's do some research. I'll BET I'm right!

Re: Sooooo good!

I do believe you are right. That heavy coating we use to use was what held the grease but I do believe I remember it being mighty tastey.

Re: Sooooo good!

True, but try just rolling your fish in yellow corn meal and see what I mean. I don't even like it any other way now.

Re: Sooooo good!

Welll! You can take the woman out of Massachusetts but you can't take ALL of the Massachusetts out of the woman. You can even teach her how to say "PARK THE CAR" but some things are just ingrained, maybe it's genetic. Ya know what I mean?


Re: Sooooo good!

sounds like a top of the river trip,awful hard to beat. tiptop