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Re: Where are you?

Are you talking to me?


Re: Where are you?

Horace or Don or whomever(s)...Bring your sleeping bags if you want to stay in our Tree House

Re: Where are you?

I'm "Nobody," I guess. I posted FOUR DAYS AGO and got NO REPLIES except from myself. Guess how many more times I'm gonna post to myself!

Re: Where are you?

Same here Jimmy ... someone on the forum asked for help in locating a BBC grad. I spent the better part of a day skip-tracing that person, made a g-zillion phone calls, local and long distance, finally found her and posted the results on the forum as well as sent an email to the requestor ... not one word ... no thank you ... no 'got your email' ... no nothing ... won't be wasting valuable days of my life doing that again. The least someone could do is say 'thank you for your effort' !!


Re: Where are you?

Idunno, KC.....I guess we could just talk to ourselves....or just not talk, as is the norm now. Sure not much going on around here, and that's a fact.

Y'all have fun. Anybody actually wants to talk to me, my email is listed.

Re: Where are you?

Well at least we did get to talking again....I've got lots to say but most of it is tooooo political and I might offend some folks and as we all know we never do that here. KC you are to be commended for your work in tracing that person down. I actually did offer a comment albeit not terribly helpful when I came across the name of the person somewhere...But I am now "some old person" and I can't remember where, why or when....DS..glad to have you back...are you sure about that "week at a time"? I seem to remember somewhere back down the road a piece when there was talk that 'company' is like fish....after 3 days....etc, etc. You are welcome here yankee wife notwithstanding...glad to hear about the contract...pray that all goes well and we will be looking for you up the road a piece. Now Jimmy I like apple butter a whole lot but I am having a hard time getting my arms around WM/s Great Value being "as good as Bama..anything". Of course since Bama is now made in Houston...if it is made at all...kinda takes the shine off.


Re: Where are you?

It is never an easy assignment,DO NOT RESISITATE, and you are the one to make that call.

Is it time to make that call on this Forum?

It has been a pleasure and a treasure!

Now it hardly seems worth the effort.

Before you deeply hurt some of those that you truly hold dear,why not just "Shut Up".

What takes place on this Forum might well be said in emails or Facebooks or,how about a telephone call or a personal visit.

I,personally, don't feel it is all about who or how many respond to my post.
Everything you or I post has not much interest to others at the time.

We are at a time in our life that other things are more important to us than this Forum!

I post here to express feelings,observations,likes and dislikes,sometimes rolling back the curtain and exposing personal feelings.

What do you think????

Re: Where are you?

The first thing I do in the morning is turn to the Connection. I was not blessed with growing up in the wonderful area as all of you, but I love reading about all your memories and friendships. Makes me feel almost a part of that wonderful time in your lives and to feel the close ties you all have with one another. Would really miss you all.

Re: Where are you?

How is your dog? Just trying to do an excerpt to your dissertation. Good 'un, too!!!

Re: Where are you?

If you village people had known more about fish bait and wild honey...well, it's all in the past.
So sorry MMC.

Re: Where are you?

I am so angry this moring as I read about the impotnece of the United States of Obama that I will just SHUT UP rather than vent all that is boiling inside of me.


Re: Where are you?

Did you read the news about Obama's 19 year old son showing up at DNC? I'm not making this up. It seems all the time our president was talking so lovingly about his family - he neglected to mention his son who was born 19 years ago to Obama's then-girlfriend who was/is a waitress at a cafe at a nearby college our Whiz Kid was attending. Again, you can look this up.

I can see how it slipped Obama's mind. Think about how the press ripped Sarah Palin (who at least was honest about her daughter). I guess the Liberal Press was too busy praising The Holy One to mention the small detail. Maybe they don't count Males in the Obama Family...I dunno!!!

Hi, Don. Are you really moving back to the Woods of All Pine? I hope so. Talladega is too Ritzy for you...I still dunnooo!!!

Re: Where are you?

Lathan,we are indeed moving back to Alpine when we close on the Talladega house. We will stay at the farm until it isa sold.

Ritzy is not the word I would choose to describe Talladega!

Re: Where are you?

I can still come to the farm, right? AND OH, nummer lebbem, I didn't know there were any MALES in the Obama I know there is ONE.
