The Sylacauga Connection

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The Sylacauga Connection
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top of the river

Tip top their is a place in pigeon forge called Huck Finns, that is equal to top of the river and that says a lots. Fried cat fish, cole slaw, fried dill pickles, hushpuppies, turnip greens,and all the sweet tea you can drink.
We are going up next week for a few days and will eat some of the FRIED CAT FISH.


Re: top of the river

I played Little League Baseball all the way up to high school with your brother Jack. He and I both swung Left-Handed. Jack had one of the most compact short swings I ever saw. There were no flaws in his swing. you couldn't fool him with a curve ball because his swing was so short & quick. Couldn't slip a fast ball or a changeup past him because he knew his 'strike' zone and could pull any pitch as well as I've ever seen.
My swing was always pretty loose and even though I tried to copy Perk's swing, I never could get any power with what I called my 'compact' swing. Just started thinking about Little League Baseball and the guys I grew up with...

Re: top of the river

I always thought Jack could have played college ball. Steve our younger brother hit left like Jack did and played for Jackstate a couple of years.
Jack finished school at the U of A and went to work for Oxford industries in Gaffney Sc. and became Vice President of the company.
He passed at the age of 54 with a heart attack.

Re: top of the river

Jimmy, I was speaking with Pat Ivey this weekend about the Class of 1959 (Jack's class) and was shocked to hear that out of 70 graduates in that class, 21 of them are dead. Isn't that just unreal?


Re: top of the river

Kay, Horace, Don or Lois could help, but I think we had 69 in our class of 54 and we have lost 15.

Re: top of the river

Class of 61 has lost 15.

Re: top of the river

That number is about right Jimmy.


Re: top of the river

Jimmy, without further checking, I believe the correct number is 23, including Shirley Pike Corcoran.

Re: top of the river

Lois, I would be interested in seeing the names of the members of Class 54 that are deceased...I can not account for any more than 15. I am sure there must be some that I am not aware off that have died. If you have a chance,please tell us.


Re: top of the river

Don, when I have a chance tomorrow, I will send the three of you a copy on email. Don't want to put on here. I was thinking that I gave all of you a copy of this at our last reunion with the exception of Shirley, but, nevertheless time has a way of things getting misplaced.

I don't mind at all doing this for you all.


Re: top of the river

Lois, will you send me one also. Should that be a question mark?


Re: top of the river

Yes, I was planning on sending you, Donald, and Jimmy one. I just haven't had time for have been on the go every since I wrote this.

I will do this in a little while after I finish another project.

In my opinion, I just didn't feel comfortable putting on The Connection.

Re: top of the river

If anybody sends out a list of the deceased from Class of '52, please don't send me one and please don't tell me if I'm on it.

Re: top of the river

KC, my shock. Class of '55...56 graduates 17 have died .
Two of which were Hollins Boys that I grew up with every day.
I have a list if you would like to see. Sad!