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Re: Fifties at Five

Hello Bobby, and welcome to the group. There are plenty of 50s memories here. There are even some who were in the same business as you are now, in Sylacauga, in the 50s. Just looking at your family name, are you one of the Sylacauga Gs, or are you from another place and now live in Sylacauga? I knew some Gs from Fayetteville back in the early 60s. Are you any relation to them?

Re: Fifties at Five

Chuck: I graduated from Sylacauga High School in 1958. My relatives came from Gantts Quarry. Radio is a hobby with me. I got started in 2000 by accident and have done radio and TV on and off for the last 12 years. I just want to keep the music from the 50's alive. I hope some on the forum will help with looking back at the 50's with me each day. Chuck thanks for your reply.

Bobby G.

Re: Fifties at Five

Small World! I graduated BB Comer six years after you, in '64, but I was attending Gantts Quarry School in 1958. I, along with others here, would also want to keep music from the 50s and 60s alive and kicking. Are there any plans to simulcast the station on the internet? Some of us "out of towners" would then be able to listen from far away. A classmate of mine was the announcer/sportscaster for BB Comer football for awhile. I saw him a couple of months back on a sad trip back home, but we didn't speak about football, so I'm not sure if he's still doing that or not. I'll not be presumptious enough to introduce any of our posters, but I feel sure they'll have some input to your request for info. Again, welcome to this rag-tag band of folks, most of who, like me, grew old, but never grew up!

Re: Fifties at Five

Hello Bobbt G!

While you were a student at SHS,I was up the street at WFEB,1956-1958...and at other AM & FM Stations for 40 odd years..most years and folks,too are odd at local radio stations.

Just wondering...when most people say they play music of the 50's,they play music of the middle to late 50's. What about early 50's....Jo Stafford,Frankie Laine,Patti Paige,Joni James,Kitty Kallen,Eddie Fisher,Vaugh Monroe,Doris Day,Kay Starr,Tenn. Ernie Ford,Perry Como,Mills Brothers,Ames Brothers,Ink Spots,etc? Do you play any of these?

I live in Talladega and worked for WEYY for many years. Maybe I could have some input for your show or such.

Good luck with your efforts and glad to see you on this forum.

Re: Fifties at Five

Chuck: I grew up on the Quarry Road. Never did anything at the Quarry School but play basketball. Mr. Lovvorn the principal son was a class mate of mine. The owner of the station is working on streaming. He actually lives in Virginia and programs the station from there. He is Vice President in charge of broadcast technology for the Associated Press.

Don: I'm a friend of Danny Whitsett. I believe he worked at WFEB in the time period you mentioned. We play the early 50's also. We even played "Goodnight Irene" Yesterday along with some Hank Williams and Tennessee Ernie Ford.

WYEA now is probably one of the most modern AM stations in the Country. Over $200,000 has been invested in new equipment. We have an FM translator but it is registered to Rockford Alabama of all places. It should be up and running in about six months.

As I said before this is just a hobby with me but I am having a ball with the 50's at Five show.

If either of you could send me something in an MP3 file we can put it directly on the air.

Thanks again for your consideration.

By the way, I'm a friend of Cubby Culberson, but don't hold that against me.

Bob Green

Re: Fifties at Five

Bobby, glad to have you here with us. An old SHS'er and friend was John Crawford. He worked at MLS/YEA in 53 and 54 when I(BBC grad '54) worked at FEB. John and I ran into each other while in the army also...we were both stationed at Ft. Devens, Massachusetts at the same time. Of course there were other young guys like Doug Layton, Rosie Ross, Cato Craddock one of the Davenport guys, his first name escapes me at the moment and several others who worked at both stations...and what is the name of your owner?...I worked for the ABC Radio Networks in Washington, DC for 26 years and knew quiet a few of the engineering folks in DC including several who led the work at the AP.

Horace Easterling

Re: Fifties at Five

Bob Green is one of the greatest golfers I've never had the privilege of playing golf with. Hi, Bob. We moved to Apalachicola, Florida last month and that puts me closer to Sylacauga. If I live long enough, I still want to come and get with you on the links. I play a lot of 'scrambles' and haven't played a 'real' round of golf in almost two years.

I'm also a fan of Cubby Culberson. I doubt anyone knows more about Old Music than Cubby. He also was one of the toughest Comer Football players ever to play the game. I really mean that...

Re: Fifties at Five

Horace, I was, and still am, a big fan of Jo Stafford. She did some of the greatest duets with Frank Sinatra (correct me if I'm right) and I had a bunch of LPs featuring Jo Stafford.

Did any of you 'jocks' know Chris Weber? Chris and I were big buddies and used to hang out at Wind Creek Park in the early Sixties. He passed a few years ago and I stayed in touch with his wife for awhile after that. Does anyone know his family and how to get in touch? Chris was one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. He and I smoked a pipe and he always had the best tobacco (not the funny kind).

I'd love to hear some old tapes of Don and Horace. Are there any available or in the radio archives?

Re: Fifties at Five

Horace the owner of WYEA is LEE PERRYMAN.

Lathan: Still waiting on you to show up for golf.

Don: You aask about the play list: Yesterday on the show we played, Rick Nelson, The Chordettes, Ferlin Husky, The Impalas, Dion, Guy Mitchell, Everly Bros. Buddy Holly, Fats, Elvis, Mills Bros, Frankie Ford, Sammy Turner and The Elegants. I do not pick the music but our computer does a good job. What think you?

Don I also believe on the forum sometime back you were asked: "Do You Miss Radio?" Your reply was " Yes I do I hope it comes back sometime in the future." Well it is back in Sylacauga at WYEA-AM 1290.

Looking forward to some stories from all. Just email to Bobbyg@WYEA.Net.

Thanks to All
Bobby G

Re: Fifties at Five

Sounds likes 50's to me..that's what I would do,play selections from 1950-1960..ALL the years of the 50's would be included.

I'll be down one afternoon at 5 to see if you can "cut the mustard".

Talladega is a food and radio desert..I sure hope WYEA is a REAL local station. Good luck with that.

By the way, Danny Whitsett was a WFEB when I was there. I was working a Sat. morning shift when George Carr brought the lad in to start his first radio experience..A DATE WITH DANNY. Also, at the station were some other youngsters..Millard "Smitty" Smith and Bill Jessup.

Re: Fifties at Five

Until we get together and tee it up - I'm a "2" Handicap. However, when we do play, I hope I can break "95".

I hope you do get the 'stream' working on your radio station. Can't wait to hear your programs.

I was probably the worst interview you ever had. Not searching for a compliment, either. I do okay till the red/green light comes on. I do have a face which is good on radio...

Re: Fifties at Five

Lathium.. what is a two inch handicap?

Re: Fifties at Five

Actually, it was a golf handicap number. Sorry, but sometimes I talk in quotation marks. Even while I was writing this, I was thinking about golf in quotation marks but later changed it to parentheses (golf) - sorry 'bout that.

The number "2" - If someone has a "2" handicap in golf, chances are, on a Par "72" Golf Course, that person will average about a "74" Score. (Bob, correct me if I'm right). See, then I was writing in Parentheses, but I was thinking about something else in "Quotation Marks"...My wife says I have to break myself of this habit but there are no Classes in Apalachicola for that.

Again, Don & Horace, I would like to hear some of your old broadcasts - If you can locate any, you could put them on an MP3 File or CD. I bet you guys were the Dick Biondes (sp)/Joe Rumores of your time..

Re: Fifties at Five

Pee Wee, somewhere here I have cassette tapes of both. Dick Biondi on WLS calling the "submarine races" and Joe Rumore on WVOK reading out a greeting to me, taped while I was in Viet Nam and sent to me. If I locate them I'll send you copies. By the way, we enjoyed the Mongolian with Jimmy & Judy and Jim and Belinda the other night. Maybe you'll make the next one, fried seafood platter, or broiled if you insist!