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That's funny...I don't like to poke fun at people's looks because I'm not all that much to look at - But, I saw a side-by-side photo with Michelle Obama and a Gorilla...I couldn't tell who was who. However, if I had to choose one to take on a date, I think I would have chosen the Gorilla


All I have to say about The First Female is that had it been she and I in the Garden of Eden rather than Adam and Eve, you people wouldn't be here now saying bad stuff about her.



I have one more thing to say about Powell: Before his endorsement of O'Bum I had him in the same class with Condi Rice. Now I think he has shown his "true color."

'Nuff said.


Amen! Jimmy - to both posts


Guys, y'all need to cut Petreaus some slack as he was diagnosed with early-stage prostate cancer in February 2009 and underwent radiation treatment at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. About 2 years ago, if you will remember, Petraeus fainted while being questioned by the Senate Armed Services Committee. His statement was that he fainted due to dehyddration, but, I wonder if that was the whole truth. Anyway, he is not a well man, but, he has given his life in military service to this country, and even if you don't agree with his politics, we, as Americans, owe him a sincere debt of gratitude.



KC,I know all all about that Prostate cancer stuff. I was diagnosed with stage 2B Prostatic Adenocarcinoma. 20% of the left side of my Prostate gland was one big agressive tumor. One year ago tomorrow 10/31/2011 I underwent a radical prostatectomy and I still have the normal(for a man of my age) side effects from the surgery which I plan to have fixed in the near future. Jimmy Holmes can tell all about prostate cancer also. I and several others served just as honorably as Pretaeus although not as long(probably because we are not as intelligent as he, actually I speak only for myself in that intelligence remark. Although I might add parenthetically that I along with the late Donald McCain, John Crawford of SHS/WMLS, Clyde Swint all served in military intelligence with the Army Security Agency. I have until the advent of this Bengazi thing held General Petraeus in the highest regard. I find his whining about a video being the cause of the death of 4 brave servants of the American people to be totally without excuse. I fail to comprehend how he could accept the humiliation heaped upon him by Obama and the incrediable demotion from such a position as he had held and then to be placed in the position that he now holds and become nothing more than a mouthpiece for Obama's political aspirations.

I think I wrote that "I am dismayed" which could give one the idea that I have never respected him. Nothing could be further from the truth..I should have written that "I have become dismayed". Now if the man is suffering some ill effect of from the cancer and it's treatment then he should resign and remove the opportunity for this CANCER in the White House to further prey upon his physical infirmity. Petraeus is too big a man to allow this to happen.

I sincerely apologize for giving the impression that I had always held him in a state of disregard. I also apologize to you KC if my feeble attempt to explain myself is in any way offensive to you, I did the best I could. I can't wait for grand opportunity for me to give feet to my convictions on November 6th.



Horace, I totally agree with you. While the General has given his career - Those 4 Brave Americans - of which at least two were begging for help (which was denied 3 times) - gave their lives. They even had the enemy pin-pointed with laser lights...and our brave politicians sitting in the Situation Room (the same room they politicized while eradicating Bin Ladin) were sitting there doing NOTHING!!!

I still have my wishes that the Four Brave Americans could have traded places with the four lying cowards - Obama, Biden, Hillary & Patraeus (sp).


Absolutely....and Powell, too. If EITHER of them walked by me, the old AF Staff Sergeant in me would MAKE me salute them. But their heroism no more excuses them from their BAD decisions than it does John McCain from being so wishy-washy that even I ALMOST didn't vote for him.

Seriously, McCain was the most urine-poor candidate the Republican Party could have picked --- even though he MUST be as physically and mentally tough as they come. I shall always honor him, but I don't even like him. Obama, on the other hand, I neither honor nor like...and I wouldn't salute the man if it meant a firing squad.