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Chris Richie

This guy - to me - is, and always has been a big over-bloated joke. He must have a bad case of amnesia when it comes to Libya and the 4 Cowards. He sucked up to Obama like a New-born, blind baby calf just finding his Mama for the first time.

He made this pretense about looking out for his state and didn't care about politics. Fine! However, he over-did it Big Time! I thought he was going to Kiss Obama.

I lost respect for this Billboard-Sized Idiot when he chastised the Navy Seal at a meeting.

He's nothing but a Bully and I have my suspicions that Richie is still angry at Romney for not choosing him as Romney's Running-Mate.

There's not enough Tea in China to make me vote for him for anything. I think he's a distraction for the GOP - He sure isn't an Asset

Re: Chris Richie

I finally figured out that you must be talking about Cristi of NJ. I am totally confused and maybe a bit dismayed(I getting a lot of that lately)by his(Cristi) utterances. However, yesterday one of Rush's callers said that perhaps he actually lured NoMobama into coming to NJ which will vote overwhelmingly for him anyway no matter what. His explanation being, that it would take him completely away from going to places like Pennsylvania and Ohio or W. VA and even VA and give Romney an extra day to heap it on him. Well, maybe but I am not totally convinced, Cristi just couldn't keep from, as Bernie Goldberg would put it, SLOBBERING all over NoMobama.


Re: ChrisCristi

Horace - Thanks for straightening me out on that. It shows how much - or little - I care about the buffoon.

I like what you and the other guy said about him.

A Stink Bug by any other name would smell the same...



Re: Chris Christie

Just for the heck of it, Gentlemen, The White Whale of New Jersey spells his last name CHRISTIE.

(The White Whale of Texas spells his HOLMES, by the way. LOL)