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Re: Brockobamaville

I can't think of any one that would support one that supports same sex marriage. You have me wrong there friend. Now go sing some more.

Re: Brockobamaville

That's fine, Ivy. I'm glad to know that. But why on EARTH did you inject Jackie Robinson into the mix if NOT to accuse me of racism? It's a simple question, and it shouldn't be difficult to answer: WHY/HOW DID JACKIE ROBINSON GET MIXED IN?

I'll thank you for a simple and direct answer....

Re: Brockobamaville

I have a friend who is female and white. She lives in Boulder City, Nevada. Her name is ... Jackie Robinson...A true, true story

Re: Brockobamaville

I'm still waiting to hear all about Jack Roosevelt "Jackie" Robinson...nothing else, nobody else...

Re: Brockobamaville

You know I don't like most of the stuff you write. Just let the others answer your question.
Mr. Obama is the leader of this nation. What other nation can you go in and talk about it's leader?
Why don't we talk to the One that can fix our problems.

Marilyn and I plan to spend as much time in prayer for our nation as we spend on the connection.

Re: Brockobamaville

Yessir, I know that you don't like what I write, what I do, or much of anything about me. I also know that you don't have the balls to just come right out and SAY it...instead, you sneak around with your holier-than-thou, Tennessee Taliban attitude, trying to seem so superior to others. I KNOW I'm a blowhard *******, Ivy, but I pray to GOD I'm not as sickeningly self-righteous when I die as you are now.

Now before you judge even ONE more of your fellow men, Sir, look in a mirror...CLOSELY!

Re: Brockobamaville

The Biblical thing comes into play which goes something like..."Judge ye that ye be not judged"

Well, I'm only human and I've made many judgments about the black & white one who keeps his golf clubs in my White House. I think he's a Coward & a Liar and has surrounded himself with people of the same ilk.

Here are some lyrics to a song I'm sorry to say I didn't get finished in time to put it on You Tube for as many people to see the way I sit in (on judgment)...It's properly titled PINICCHIO-BAMA

WHO THREW HIS GRANDMA UNDER THE BUS...Pinocchio Bama...Pinocchio Bama
AND CAUSED A CHICAGO PREACHER TO CUSS...Pinocchio Bama...Pinocchio Bama

P.B...P.B...He'll lie to your Daddy
He'll Lie to your Mamma
He'll lie to your Postman and your Doctor Too
He's always looking for someone to “ooh” P.B. P.B.

YOU BETTER NOT LET HIM IN YOUR HOUSE...Pinocchio Bama...Pinocchio Bama

As much as this song may seem bigoted to anyone - it's not. It's just the way I feel about this Low-Life who has the keys to our White House.

That being said, as much as I'd like to sit this one out - I won't.
First, I like both of you guys a lot. I think both of you are dead wrong (not in what you say as much - more like WHY did either of you say it?) I don't know why Ivy said what he did (and I didn't - and still don't - get the connection). Then, I don't know why Jimmy kept PUSHING it until it festered. Sometimes, Discretion is the better part of Valor. I think this should have been one of those times.

NOW - we have the best Oysters in the world in Apalachicola, Florida. I'm inviting both of you to come visit and I'll arbitrate this famous case over 3 or 4 Dozen Raw Oysters Each

Re: Brockobamaville

No. 11, Thanks for the invite. Wish the lungs would allow such a trip. We both love those Oysters.

Re: Brockobamaville

Jimmy, when I look in a mirror, I see a forgiven sinner. Then I give thanks to The One that made it possible.

Re: Brockobamaville

Jimmy and #11, when "Jackie" came to MLB, many said it would never work, never stick, a for sure, no-no. I remember those days very well. I first heard it on a late night funny show who went on to say that we should look at the MLB now.
I feel both of you, and maybe I am being Judgemental, are working to keep Mr. Obama out of the Whitehouse.
Marilyn and I will vote for a write-in...and it's sad that we nust do that.

Now have at me but remember I do not have a nastey Webster.

Re: Brockobamaville

You are right about my working to keep Obama out of the White House. Anyone who has read anything about both Romney and Obama would know that Romney is far and above Obama in morals, charity and Christianity. People actually do not like Romney because he is rich. This man gave all his inheritances away and actually made his money on his own. There I go again being judgmental.

However, I don't have any grandchildren in this race...but you do. They will be the ones who suffer if Obama is reelected. Does anyone really think it will be a 'different' four years with Obama in the White House.

A write in vote is a vote for Obama but that is your choice. I would hate to say, "My wife and I are doing a write in vote" because I cannot speak for my wife. She has a mind of her own and how she votes will be none of my business.

I actually think GOD will forgive us all for our petty differences - if we ask of HIM.

Re: Brockobamaville

Now, Now... I can see that an adult is needed to step in and sort this out. Y'all excuse me for a few minutes, I'll go look for one!

Happy week-end to all.


Re: Brockobamaville

Atta-Boy! Chuck!!! Go War Eagles and Roll Tide...Troy used to be The Red Wave but now they are the Propholac...oops! Trojans

Re: Brockobamaville

I'll probably be told,justifiably, that I should keep my nose out of MVB squabbles..I really know nothing of your individual traits of values..That said I always hate to see people who at one time had to be really good friends spoil that relationship over disagreements in politics or religion.
The reason I first posted on this forum was to maintain contact with a good friend that I found was a member of this great group..He now doesn't manage to come on board and his wonderful wife has reduced her participation due, I'm sure, to the care that she affords him takes up much of her time..
I've lost many friends over the past several years and am rapidly running out of OLD friends and I hope you guys don't let these differences ruin the feelings that you have developed over a lifetime...Neither candidate nor religious differences are worth it.

Re: Brockobamaville

Hey Chuck thanks for taking the time to raust Ol' Fogey(the resident adult) off his perch long enough to cool things down and thanks Theron, I don't even know you outside of this place but I appreciate your coolness when things get hot.


Re: Brockobamaville

I agree with you 100%.
I hate, hate, hate political opinions. However, I do wish someone would run one day that I could support so much I would put a sign in my yard...never have done this.

Re: Brockobamaville

Fogey, I too miss your friends so much.

Re: Brockobamaville

Thanks Fogey. I too am not an MVB by birth, I was adopted by a goodly couple here a few years ago!

One of my missions now is to keep friendly with my friends, since there are markedly fewer than last year.

The best method that I've found to achieve this is to have friends who wiil lend me money, but I never borrow. I also have friends that will accept my outrageous beliefs in politics and religion, so I never espouse them.

I'll chat-fight with anyone about college football, and become quite enraged about "the other side", but I hold the "it's a game" thought when things get quiet again.

I don't "do" facebook, but I wish that the "unfriend button" was as easy as the online version.

Friends choose each other, and all of us have made choices that we later doubt, so I'll try to keep the choices that have stood the test of time, very close and let the others go.

Thanks again, Sir, for being the elder statesman and I hope to meet you in person on one of my home trips.

How's that for philosophy. from one of the youngest in the bunch?

Take care all,

Young Chuck

Re: Brockobamaville

Chucky, that's just wonderful beyond words. I couldn't agree more. Why, I really REALLY think you should have one of them Pullet Surprises, like AlBore got!

(WOW...and to think I KNOW this guy...I've shooken...shuck...shaked....met him! 'Course, all I remember is how good the BBQ was at "Pok 'n Beef" that day...)

Just keep gettin' older, though, Chuck, and some day you'll be nearly as perfect as some of us are.


Re: Brockobamaville

My personal philosophy is this. When you get mad at a friend... COUNT TO "TEN".

But, Keep your foot on his neck until you get to TEN in case you're still mad after you get to TEN

Re: Brockobamaville

Huckleberry Finn and I share a philosophy in a small way. (And I will NOT explain this!):

"Then she told me all about the bad place, and I said I wished I was there. She got mad then, but I didn't mean no harm. All I wanted was to go somewheres; all I wanted was a change, I warn't particular. She said it was wicked to say what I said; said she wouldn't say it for the whole world; she was going to live so as to go to the good place. Well, I couldn't see no advantage in going where she was going, so I made up my mind I wouldn't try for it. But I never said so, because it would only make trouble, and wouldn't do no good."