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I Agree

I agree with the post by Mr. T.Kelly...friends should not discuss religion or politics....IF friends are pea brains,close minded,or deaf to opposing ideas..or you have along list of things not to discuss or you just agree with friends or just shrug off whatever they say.

For a moment,just imagine early Christians keeping their thoughts to themselves..Christanity would have never moved beyond the walls of Jerusalem.

If the Colonist had kept their thoughts and beliefs to themselves..there might have never been a Revolution that produced the freedom of the USA.

Also,if there had not been so many Santimonous,self-righteous,"thank God I am not as other men" folks...Jesus Christ might not have been murdered by this group looking only through stained glass idealology.

A great English preacher,Charles Spuregon, said something to the effect..God's grace and salvation is for ALL..the Geraffes may pertake and he lowered it to a level where jack asses could pertake.

Some of you may have longer neck than us jack asses...but,we all share the Grace.

Re: I Agree

Good post. I mostly agree with "Mr. T." myself....but this isn't the time to keep quiet; and even if I'm going to be boiled alive for it, I'm STILL going to say this great country is in grave danger, and I am scared ****less because of what it will mean to my children and grandchildren if we stay on the present path, and the ONLY way I see to avoid it is to throw Obama and his brainless thugs OUT and give someone else a shot at it.


Re: I Agree

And I agree with most of the posters on this subject.. I just don't think that this forum, dedicated so long to the continued love of its members, is just the proper place to vent.
Believe me, I am just as loud in my feelings about the condition that this country has found itself after the egotistical rule of the president and many dummies in congress..I just let my feelings be known when I know that the people with whom I am discussing the subject aren't friends who I mignt make into enemies.
Everyone.. Please go to vote tomorrow..I've made every one since Truman and Dewey and only one thing will keep me away tomorrow..and if that happens I won't vote in any more..

Re: I Agree

Mr. Kelly,I hear you and understand and accept your point of view.

Re: I Agree

Mr. T, if that happens, just move to Texas....Jim Bowie and Sam Houston still vote early and often here.

....and I hear that Santa Anna comes across and votes with the Undocumented Democrat Coalition every election, too. LOL

But seriously, that's a great post, and you are absolutely correct --- it's just that I'm so afraid of what WILL happen if the White House REMAINS infested with this DISEASE that I can't keep my mouth shut.....I just have to keep saying it:


Re: I Agree

Jimmy - You are a good representative for what I, and many more, believe in. I, too, don't mind saying what I believe and it doesn't always fit the audience but we only go around once (unless you believe in reincarnation - I didn't believe in it the last time I was here either).

There's security in numbers. If our side doesn't get voted in, I would like to find out how many states are for seceding from the Union and join them. I hate to be ashamed of my country but I'm becoming ashamed of what my country is becoming - and that's a true, true story

I guess we'll know more in the next few days.


Re: I Agree

I second that...and come what may, I'll be glad when the counting is over; my prediction, however, is that unless this thing is a landslide one way or the other, it will go on longer and nastier than Bush/Gore.

God bless us every one --- and GOD HELP AMERICA!