The Sylacauga Connection

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Don, that is so interesting that you applied at RTVC. I worked there for 13 years and let me tell you...there was plenty of witnessing you could have done...the Management and Department Heads were certainly uppercrust but we had some employees that we did not pick off of a Sunday School Roll.
This is where I knew Mike Huckabee as he was chairman of our Board of Trustees and was so good to work with.
Sorry our paths did not cross during that time.


You are wright and thanks.


Theron, you make a good point and I will reconsider as you have suggested. It was the picture that got me.
I love my Lord, Family and Country with all my heart. I'm sure our views on the condition of our Country are very close. My Respect for the office of our Leader, good or bad, will never change.

I have heard from a few of those friends today and I'm so thankful.

Thanks for your kind words and your friendship.



May God Bless us ALL and fill our lives with the taste of wild honey in our mouth and the fragrance of Sweet Shrubs in our air.

What say ye??


Wild honey, by all means.


I say I sure wish my sweet shrub would bloom. I got one from a nursery in Florida several years ago, and it rarely blooms...and even then it doesn't smell sweet at all. I'd sure love to have one from the old place at Ragland that I sold when we moved to Texas back in '68. Those were some SWEET shrubs!

Yeah, and I love wild honey, too....robbed a lot of wild bees in the Alabam woods with my Pop "back then." I tried it here for a while, but something always killed off my bees.

Oh, yeah...back to your post:

God bless us every one --- and GOD HELP THE USA today!


I believe this is post #89 on this shameful, SHAMEFUL thread. When the day is over, or when we know whether or not we got REAL "Hope" and "Change," I shall wash my doggie's butt. I will never, however, allow ANYone to dictate what I can or cannot say or do. THAT ain't gonna happen! I LOVE having friends, but REAL friends have too much love within them to even attempt to judge their fellows or to censure them or to dictate to them --- or to say something as supremely hurtful as "I'm sorry I ever knew you!"

...and those are FACTS, Jack!

God bless ALL of you, and thank you for being my friend.



That post was 'all-over-the-map' (meaning I didn't understand it). Could you put it in 'layman's' terms?


Sorry, I can't do any better than that. And part of it will only be fully understood by three of us on this forum. Suffice it to say that I am happy to have real friends and I'll find a way to manage without those who turn out to be "much ado about nothing."

May I have my three dozen oysters fried....Friend?

(I just learned that Romney went down like the Titanic...



I actually predicted as much. Romney was playing against a 'stacked' deck. Too many 'entitlements' in return for votes.

I really don't like to talk like this and pray it doesn't happen but I don't foresee Obama living out his term. I know I've made jokes about giving him and Michelle free tickets to FORD'S THEATRE to see the play OUR AMERICAN COUSIN but he's created too much trauma for America and I honestly believe some money-people with too much to lose will Take-Him-Out.

His remark about the Russian Missles where he told the Premiere of Russia on an 'open' mic, "After November when I'm reelected, I will have more flexibility" is enough in itself to have some less-than-fanatic factions want to have him REMOVED.

There will be some real Fringe Groups who will also plot his demise. Obama's alienated the military and those are some of the same people who are hired as his 'bodyguards'. These guys can be swayed to 'turn-their-heads - especially with his plans to decimate our military.

I'm afraid the GOP is in trouble. We actually lost Senate seats in this election. I'd like to read comments by Anyone - especially Horace, Jimmy and Mr. Alpine


Don't know how much difference it would have made but Romney began to swim Upstream when he didn't pick Rubio as his running-mate. I never understood his picking Ryan...

Also, Chris Christie didn't do the GOP any favors by 'ogling' Obama on National Television. One of FOX's commentators said he was 'slobbering' all over Obama during their Photo Ops. Christie makes me sick anyway. Somebody needs to stick a fork in him - he's done. I honestly think he's still angry because Romney didn't pick him as his running-mate. I never could stand the 'porker' anyway


I am too angry at America to comment right now.



Horace, so am I. I can't beleive the American people as so stupid as to re-elect Obama. As Latham said, TOO MANY FREEBIES. God save America.


I'm certainly not hoping that such a thing happens, but I do have a feeling I won't be around a lot longer, and that feeling also includes a conviction that we as a nation, at least --- and perhaps the world --- are about to bear witness to a cataclysmic event. Let us pray that it will be God's doing, and not Man's. It is difficult to believe that a nation led by a man who bows to Muslim "kings" and sat in a "church" for twenty years with a "pastor" who screams "GOD **** AMERICA!" and whose best friends are/were extremists and terrorists, and who has turned his back on "God's Chosen People" can last much longer.



An email from a friend this morning pointed me to Proverbs chapter 21 verses 1&2. I'll let you look it up...and while you have your Bible open turn to Romans Chapter 1 verses 18-32. Maybe Jeremiah Wright was a prophet....has God done as Wright pleaded? How many new states approved ballot measures establishing homosexual many states have now legalized marajuana(I'm not sure I can even spell it)some hipocritically say it is for medical purposes and some are more up is called RECREATIONAL USE, as in, let's go shoot a few hoops, play a game catch or suck on some weed. Look at the new DEMOCRAT Senator from Wisconsin..another door had it's hinges removed with that outcome. Can you in your wildest imaginations predict what the Supreme Court of the US will look like in 2016? Long live Scalia and Thomas!

Obama was not far from correct when he said "America is not a Christian Nation", go ahead take your best shot at me then open your eyes. Yesterday the majority of Americans showed their true colors. American Evangelical Christians should have had no fear of Romney on religious grounds and any who so rejected him should be ashamed of themselves. We all remember well the fear of John Kennedy's catholicism which proved to be totally unfounded. The fact that he(Romney)is a Morman was certainly a matter that we should have been praying for him about, but to harbor a fear that he would or could somehow impose that upon the populace is absurd and even laughable. We should be far more fearful of the agendi of Obama, the Homosexuals the Left wing Democrats and the Pseudo Moderate Republicans(RINO's) I think they are called like, Chris Cristi. What is left of the Republicans in the senate must immediately throw Mitch McConnell out as their pretender to leadership and choose someone who at least LOOKS and talks like a leader. Where is Trent Lott when we need him?

I still believe that Newt could have been a great President but I am not sure that he could have won...the debates would have been a heck of a lot of fun though. Rubio would have been a better drawing card than Ryan without doubt. Ryan is right back where he is needed most, in the House of Reps and on the Budget committe.

Virgina let us down in the Senate(Too bad Eric Cantor wasn't on the ticket for Senate...Indiana and Missouri put idiots on the ticket and we paid a horrible price. Massachusetts was no big deal, that guy Brown was a RINO. Buttt! those four seats could have totally hog tied Obama and tossed Dingy Harry to the dogs.

Well I've got a lot more on my mind but I've bored you long enough. Just one admonition, Lathan I love you but put your powder back in the horn.

Oh and goodbye are dead in the water and Debbie Blabbermouth will no doubt be replaced in her job as head of the committee in the House. Thank God for his goodness.



"...Well I've got a lot more on my mind but I've bored you long enough. Just one admonition, Lathan I love you but put your powder back in the horn..."

Horace - I appreciate your admonition, but, as the GUN Ad says, "...when they pry it loose from my cold, dead fingers..."

Let's face it - "America isn't a plot of land - 'from sea to shining sea' - It's a place in our hearts and as long as we can hold onto that thought, we can make a difference.

I would love, however, for a bunch of real RED States to secede from the BLUE States and start our own country. It's actually doable. It would take a minimum of 3 states with a Sea Port (Alabama, Louisiana, Texas). It would take another minimum of states which are rich in, Oil, Agriculture and Industry. We have that.

I know it won't happen but it 'could' happen...


Lathan, I too think it may be good to put the anger to rest. (Wow...did that come out of ME?)

Yesterday, my "clone son" in New Mexico said something like "somebody" in Washington "should be shot for treason." That was immediately "translated" by a local Screaming Liberal/"Christian" into "I'm going to shoot....."

A word to the wise: Big Brother is watching you...he knows where you live and he is here among us.

NOW...if one would really REALLY like to hit someone in the face with a brick, but would never get past the thought, is that a "threat"?

I guess it depends of what "is" is, huh?



I sincerely hope Big Brother is watching me. He sure isn't watching anyone in Washington D.C. And surely not the 5 LIARS & COWARDS that got 5 Brave Americans Murdered in Libya and the Arizona/Mexico Border.

If indeed he is watching me, I am sending an open 'invite' to the CIA, FBI, NAACP, NCAA, SEC, NFL, CBA, NBA and all the Acronyms I cannot spell to come on over. I will at least get my 15 Minutes and will use it all up wisely.

I confess to inviting Mr. & Mrs. President to the Ford Theatre to see the play Our American Cousin. I'm very generous in that I would buy the tickets for them.

Big Brother - "Come On...Did you get that?" - As they used to say in CB Language..."Come On"