The Sylacauga Connection

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The Sylacauga Connection
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After careful consideration and much prayer - I've decided what we should all have known all along. GOD controls each and every one of our lives and GOD doesn't make mistakes. If, in HIS infinite wisdom, HE decides to make either Obama or Romney our next President, there will be a reason for it.

I still think HE has a plan to show us that HE is still in charge. Some people don't believe in HIM enough to realize that and if we (the ones who are for Romney) don't get our way, it may be to show us that HE belongs in our Schools and in our Lives and that HE has a plan for it to happen.

This may sound Wishy/Washy to some of you but it makes perfect sense to me. I still feel the way I feel about Obama and that probably won't change. My prayers at night are not to elect Romney for President - But, for GOD's Will to be done.

Again, if Romney isn't the winner when the polls are tallied, there will be a reason. I really believe all-of-the-above

Re: Vote

Amen and amen! It is so good to know that God is in control and His plans and purposes will be accomplished!