The Sylacauga Connection

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At Home In Alpine

Please,do not send any more checks to our Talladega address!!

We will spend our first night at the Alpine Farm tonight. We no longer live in Talladega. We had lived here before for nearly 20 years.

Neighbors welcomed us with open arms,black and white...they are not black and white,they are choice people.

I don't hear any Pit Bulls barking,no police cars with lights flashing visiting our folks across the street,etc,etc.

Our problem..we are neck deep in furniture and stuff..not as much room at the Alpine place as we had in Talladega. We look like a Gypsy Camp..and I don't care.

Would you believe,Alpine now has DSL? I was expecting to go back to slow dial-up. AND,we got our old back...P.O. Box 38,Alpine,Al. 35014.
As I told you before,many of the friends I met daily at ole 38 are gone. Tomorrow I'll see who my new P.O. buddies are. Might even start a Forum---A.P.O. Buddies!!

New phone number 256-268-2669,but,I may not answer for a few days.

POLITICS: Don't be so surprised at the out come of the presidential race...Alabama elected Jim Folsom and George Wallace several times and this year re-elected the "Ten Commandment Judge" as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. In my opinion,I have low regard for anyone using the name of Christ or God to gain favor with men or for money.

I'm out of ink.

Re: At Home In Alpine

You may be out of ink - but you are never out of friends. I wish I lived in Alpine. Hey, that sounds like a song...

Re: At Home In Alpine

With so many on here in recent days trying to sound like you, I'm going to hold my checks until I'm sure that you are the 'dega/Alpine that I owe.

Re: At Home In Alpine

As Tom T Hall sang " Country Is"

Re: At Home In Alpine

I don't always send checks, but when I do I send BIG checks!

Here y'go, Amos:

Re: At Home In Alpine

Gladye home...I'd come and help lug furniture around but my BVD's can't handle it.
