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Youth Revival

Hey Guys just giving you a heads up about the revival!! They Dates Are Feb. 27-29 2003, My message Friday is Matt 6:33, Saturday is evangilistic, and doing a two Part on Elijah on Sunday Morning and Evening. Fri & Sat we want "Amazing Grace" to kick it off, and "Sorry" for an invitation. We also would like you be used in Praise and Worship throughout the revival. If we could meet at the Church on the Thurs day before, that would be ideal. God has impressed upon my heart the message of a true sold-out believer who is consumed by Him. The revival will be at FBC Perryville. Carol Coon is Youth Director there, She would like you to contact here, I will E-mail the # to Joel and Josh. If you have any extra Questions call me 577-1160 In Him<>< Matt