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WE WON WE WON WE WON WE WON WE WON WE WON THE BATTLE WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!First off we want to thank our Awesome amazing wonderful mosh pitting rhyme spitting krunk getting STRUCTURED T FANS for comin all the way to FT Worth to support us especially KAHOE TULLY AMANDA LESLIE MERIAM KRISTI SUSHINE LONNIE JOEL CHAE PUDDIN (i think) and last but not least CHUCKLE HEAD really we do appreciate evrything all ours fans do and hopefully more is in store for structured t and our fans We fell that this is only the beginning God has great plans for us and we got a taste of his glory last night!!!! There were many AWESOME bands there and we were a little discouraged going in because it was so far and most of our reg.s couldn't make it but God provided last night we had the second most fans there some were ppl we didn't know!!! we got a bunch of exposure this weekend and a lot of up coming gigs some close some far keep checking for dates and places well thats all for now


P.S. I love you Jennifer Kirby we just won why dont you love me ?