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Structured T's Bulletin Board
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Hearing things

Whats up with all these anonymous fans want to know whats going on with us...i mean i would like to think we are close enough to our fans that they could leave their name on the message board and/or the guest book....or could it be that ppl who dont really care, but they just wanna be in everyones business and and keep things going and i have already said that not welcome on our site.... or maybe im just tripping because of everything that been goin on and if that the case IM SORRY!!! but here is the news to the fans so deserving: Structured t is.............................................................................. HERE TO STAY we were going through some trails and things but its all good God put us in check and we did derserve it no doubt but it was for the greater good the way our next show MAY 10 at the new DOWNSIDE SK8 PARK IN SS yall come out and support us and tell everyone you know it we be worth your while and + it's local so all our fans who can't go to D/FW can come out.....we are going to be redoing some things around here that need be and we need feed back first off is the website and a mailing list for news letters and shows and things so if you would email me ( your emaill addy we will sign you up for it the first one will be out shortly Thank you guys and superchicks for all the support you'all have given i know we dont tell the fans that enough

but you guys mean a lot to us and JESUS so for now keep it reee-aaallllll (ri-AL) for christ Remember MAY 10 we need everyone there it's goonnnnaaaaaa be KRUNKKK and you will have a chance to win some cool skating gear!!!!!