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Response to January 26, 2005 Reflection

So... what do you think??

Re: Response to January 26, 2005 Reflection

Hey Chris...I really like your site.

The article was interesting...speaking of President Bush, I am currently reading Man of Faith by David Aikman about President Bush's faith life. It's a great book that Kim gave me for Christmas. I'll pass it along to you if you want when I am finished.


State DC

Faith Affiliation (if any) Christian

Re: Response to January 26, 2005 Reflection

Thanks, Mark for your reply... I'd love to look at that book. I've been intrigued by President Bush's faith, how he communicates his faith in public, and the public's response to it.

Unlike his predecessors, he is much more vocal about his faith, and that puts people on edge. Of course, other than political differences, I think there are other issues as well, as I allude to in my article...

Interesting stuff, indeed!